Testing the waters... Possible trade.


Ik ben lekker...
Feb 21, 2006
los angeles
Just testing to see what I could get for this stuff.

What would you trade me for a Caparison Horus (snowcloud) with an EMG 85 in the bridge and an SA in the neck (as well as the 18v mod) and a T.C. Electronics G-maj with a behringer midi board?




Post offers here, PM them to me, or IM me at SoulstormTx. Just let me know something. I'll entertain any reasonable offer. Another caparison perhaps? Amp? Or if you just wanna say maybe trade me something for either/or that would be killer as well.

By the way, a big thanks goes out to everyone on the board. You guys have taught me so much more than any other resource I have ever seen. :headbang:
Awwwww man!!!! I so want one/that is such a beauty! Sadly I dont think ive got anything you would consider which I can part with :( 007 Blackjack perhaps? ;) haha:Smokin:
Awwwww man!!!! I so want one/that is such a beauty! Sadly I dont think ive got anything you would consider which I can part with :( 007 Blackjack perhaps? ;) haha:Smokin:

Definitely not! LOL. If you do ever decide to buy a caparison, I know where to get them for great prices. Just shoot me a message.
Haha yeah it was a joke....plus it was worth a try :p Well that sounds cool, because id rather buy a Caparison than a USA Jackson tbh. Are we talking US or UK?