Textures / Chris Cornell Combined!?


Hey! I was just working on a new track and the middle section onwards of this track just reminds me of Textures a hell of a lot but with these Chris Cornell (Audioslave era) melodies.

1:14 onwards!

What do you guys reckon? Similar vibe? What are you getting from it?

We fuel this nomination,
The surgical strike to the pulse of,
Society, the splaying beast, the heart of the fire,
No facts yet I'm a believer,

Desire, it's all you need,
You'll take it down when there's mouths to feed,
Rent a day for the perfect smile,
And rent a life for a year of denial,

Worlds' dead,
Worlds' dead,

We post manipulation,
We host this sand addiction,
So much to hold yet nothing rests in the palm,

Worlds' dead,
Worlds' dead,

We, the martyrs of this system,
Count the days 'til the end has come,
Wake the dragon, pierce his eyes,
Take his tongue and watch him breathe no words,

Feel it fade this masquerading light,
Integration, out of nation, sing,

Lost in the mind, cause you'll never be,
Truths be told in the form of the enemy,
Cordon off the blind, cause they'll never see,
Everything you'll ever be is just a part of my,

Past, another life, another failed to be,
A broken shadow of my health in your misery,
Take it all again, I know you want it now,
Stuff it down 'til the air cannot escape your mouth,
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Your vocals are fantastic man. Your harsh vocals remind me of a mix between Randy Blythe and Jens Kidman mixed with a tad Mikael Akerfeldt on your lows.
Your cleans are super unique and awesome. Totally dig this song too! Keen to hear more.
Just listened to a bunch of your stuff on Soundcloud. In general, the tracks are good, but your vocals are consistently incredible! Really excellent cleans and harsh vocals.

And I'll be honest - I'm not familiar with Chris Cornell, so I can't really contribute there, but I definitely get a Textures vibe from this track!
Your vocals are fantastic man. Your harsh vocals remind me of a mix between Randy Blythe and Jens Kidman mixed with a tad Mikael Akerfeldt on your lows.
Your cleans are super unique and awesome. Totally dig this song too! Keen to hear more.

Holy fuck... That's ridiculous, thank you so much man! Those are all of my influences hahaha :D

Just listened to a bunch of your stuff on Soundcloud. In general, the tracks are good, but your vocals are consistently incredible! Really excellent cleans and harsh vocals.

And I'll be honest - I'm not familiar with Chris Cornell, so I can't really contribute there, but I definitely get a Textures vibe from this track!

Thanks bro! I can only apologise for the sub par music, I just don't feel like I have what it takes tbh with you. I've spent about a third of the time that I have on guitar on vocals and my vocals seem to be way higher than my writing skills. It sucks, but hey, as long as people get something from it on a whole then I'm happy! :D

The heavier parts remind me a lot of Meshuggah, especially the screams :)

SICK!!! Thanks man!!!

Wow. This is fucking awesome, dude! Great vocals and killer riffage to back them up. Nice production too. Two horns up. m/ m/

You're making me blush! :D Thank you so much man!