Thak you from BUMSNOGGER


New Metal Member
Apr 20, 2003
we had an absolute blast over the weekend
we can't believe that people actually got out of bed to come and see us at 11.30am

a big thank you to vince for putting us on and to all the punters who came to see us. also, a big thank you to cruel humanity for letting us use their equipment
Raaaa! You rocked serious amounts of greatness (i was one of those two chaps at the front making a lot of noise).

Come to Scotland! Some good live music is needed to fill the void between now and next year's Bloodstock
Anyone think that Bumsnogger is just the naffest name in the world of metal?

What about changing the name to ATM - which anyone who is up with the world of porn will know means the same thing (more or less)
I agree that the name is really offputting, it sounds like you will be some sort of Blink182 band! No offense to your music or anything, people seemed to like it, but one or two people didn't see you purely on the basis of the name. My opinion doesn't really matter I know, but it's a viewpoint from a spectator, that's all!
the name is just pure genious... the need to use the line at the end of their shows..


please use it at will bumsnogger :D
heh heh. yeah the name can put you off, but it works the other way too.
we're in this months bizarre magazine cus one of the guys who writes for it saw our name on a mailout about bloodstock and thought "wow, what an ace name"
thing is, it's not about kissing bums (literally)

bumsnogger = tramp kisser

anyone who thinks it's to do with kissing backsides is a dirty lord
Well that's a more comforting though, but what's with the olde style pistols logo? Maybe if the name was Gunsnogger...
I was gutted that I missed your set-- if we'd got there on time then I would've been in there! I think the name rocks ;) Worryingly, my mother thinks it's a cool name too... She's weird though.

I'd like the chance to see you guys again. Will be checking your site for upcoming dates. Whereabouts are you guys from??


we're from nottinham and will be touring in october

tramps or arses? it can be taken both ways. ooh-err.