Thank you all!!


Apr 19, 2005
Baarlo, The Netherlands

On behalf of the entire ProgPower CREW I would like to thank you for all your support. We once again had an excellent time and personally I think this probably was the best edition of ProgPower Europe so far.

If you have a few minutes time, please send us your feedback. You can use the form on our website. It will help us to improve the festival next year.

So once again thank you all and see you back in Baarlo in 2011.

Thank you Rene. You and the crew did a great job. I had a lot of fun (and beers). I met some old friends and made some new.

I will be back in Baarlo in 2011!!!
Thanks for organizing yet another amazing edition of ProgPower. I had a great time myself and it was great to see some old friends again. It was lots of fun and I'm looking forward to next edition already!


A VERY BIG thanks to René and the entire PPEU2010 staff for making this again a big event to look forward to every year! Awesome job guys!

See you in 2011!:headbang:
I'm ofcourse with all the people posting above me. Thank you René and crew for the wonderful event and the many laughs and moments of fun at the after parties! You'll be sure to see us again in 2011, hopefully with an even bigger group traveling towards the festival :D

What else can i say. I still have a big smile on my face (and hopefully it will last for another few days).
Big big thanks to René and all the prog power crew members for another awesome weekend.

I'll be back in 2011.
It has been as always the best weekend of my year, prog, beer, friends, laughs and (almost) everything else one needs! The thank yous must go out to you, Renè, and the entire staff for organizing such a perfect festival so greatly!
I'm a lucky man that I once decided to attend, and addicted, because I MUST come back every year! See you in 2011!!
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!!!! How the hell is it possible that every time you get home after another PPE edition you're convinced you just witnessed the most awesome weekend of your whole live only to be proven wrong one year later... :OMG::cry:
Hello all! Kalle, Jari and I just arrived back in Geneva. 364 days left until 2011 ;)

Thank-you to everyone who was there, especially those of you who made the event happen :)

We'll be nursing our fevers and flus and would like to send an apology to everyone who might have picked it up :erk:
Thank you Rene and the rest of the crew for the best weekend of the year!
I'm looking forward to PP2011!
Well this was my first PPEU and I really like it.
Big thanks for the organistation and the volounteers of PPEU.

Thank you for the awesome weekend !
Once again you guys proved to us what means a good organization and a great festival!! I personally had the best time this weekend for the last 4-5 years (especially the sunday afterparty :D ). I want to thank Rene and all the CREW for everything! You guys RULE!! See you next year! :Spin:
Thank you René & crew!!
It's great to see how you people organising this festival with great bands, atmosphere, staff/crew & audience.

Till next year!
Thanks again organizers and especially René! This was again a weekend one can't miss (well, I could have skipped sunday morning X| ). It's easily even worth the slight flu I got. To quote Eternity X "Had this sick and happy feeling
I was home again"