Thank you from the Band


Bottom Line
Sep 17, 2002
Nor Cal
Thoughts from the tour.

Well looking back on this one we all agree it was an extra special tour due to many reasons.

The biggest reason is all of you who came out to see the band and took the time to say hello and spend some time hanging out with us. :worship:

We met a lot of new friends and very cool people this time in a bunch of new places, and got to see a whole lot of familiar faces as well. People that make you feel so damn lucky to be able to do this because of thier sincerity, generosity, amazing enthusiasm, total apreciation, and incredible kindness. You all the real deal friends!

So many of you make this what it is for us.

Our crew, Tommy Noack, Ollie Uhl , and Nick Suske. one word! amazing! you know we already miss you tons, Tom Size our amazing soundman and everything else, you rule man! we were so happy to have you with us this time, what a job you did.

The promoters and club owners! totally cool people who made it the best experience possible for us. We hope to see each and every one of you agan next time. Each of you treated us so well and do a great job! Thanks so much from all of us!

The bands we got to play with, Feed Forward, Alias Eye, Shadowkeep, Transmission Splinter and the others from Headway Day one, you rock!

The people at our Record Co Inside Out! simply the best Thomas and Micheal! you guys made this possible! and we appreciate it! Inside Out flat out rock! And it is always so nice to see you guys. Thanks!

People who took such amazing pictures for us. I.G. Uli, the guys in Reichenbach, Uwe and friends, Patricia and Frank, Volker, Micheal, Ze Dan the man, Nicholas, Henk, Heike and whomever else. Thanks so much and great job.

And all of you people who came to the shows and continue to support us and make this such a great experience for us! We look so forward to returning to Istanbul and the rest of Europe and seeing you and hopefully many more folks who could not make it this time, next time!

Being able to play the long sets and share our music with all of you this time was just extra special.

You are amazing people who........................just get it! :tickled:

We all thank you so much!

Ed, Doug, Bill, Sean and Ted!
Thanks for the "highliht" of İstanbul. As I missed your show, I am very sorry. But you give me hope that I might see you in a future time.
Thank you for your kind words! It was a fantastic evening in Aschaffenburg! I hope to see you again soon!

Yours, Michael
Thank you, Enchant. The live performance of Enchant at Headway Festival was really fantastic, and it's become one of my great memories. One day, please come to visit Japan and play live over here. The music of Tug of War has been getting growing on me. Enchant rules!!

Btw, does anyone know the entire set-list of Enchant at HEADWAY? I am wondering Enchant has performed See No Evil, Hold The Wind, and Long Way Down or not? My memory's been getting blur about this....
tetsu_pilgrimmonk said:
Btw, does anyone know the entire set-list of Enchant at HEADWAY? I am wondering Enchant has performed See No Evil, Hold The Wind, and Long Way Down or not? My memory's been getting blur about this....

Just ask Tetsu

Sinking Sand
The Thirst
Paint The Picture
At Death's Door
Nighttime Sky
Under Fire
Below Zero

East Of Eden
Interact (You guys made my day on this one)
My Gavel Hand
Ze Dan said:
Just ask Tetsu

Sinking Sand
The Thirst
Paint The Picture
At Death's Door
Nighttime Sky
Under Fire
Below Zero

East Of Eden
Interact (You guys made my day on this one)
My Gavel Hand

Hello Dan, nice meeting and talking with you. Thank you very much for
the info of ENCHANT's set list. It helps a lot. You rule! :worship:

Tetsu Hamanaka
Hello Tetsu

Thanks again very much for writing in and joining us, a very big welcome to you. We are behind on getting back to people on some of the other posts my friend. I do remember seeing you at the merch table, next time say hello for sure. I saw your other post and wanted to tell you thanks and welcome to the Oasis. Hey again it means a lot to us. But next time we will chat a bit and you can meet the band OK!

Wow Japan is a long way for sure, like Frank from Brazil too! incredible, I hope it was a great time for you. WE enjoyed the show and most of all seeing friends like my man Ze Dan who drove from Paris who just rules.

Hey in answer to your question about Tug, we rehearsed the title track and will probably revisit that again, and could always give Holding the Wind a go as well? we talked about it. Thats a tough one for Ted. Waaaay up there.

Our good buddy Jimmie B wrote in also asking about us playing more Tug stuff, some of it might be cool but as far as live goes sometimes certain things work better than others ??? for whatever reason? But we are glad to hear your diggin the disc.

Hey thanks again for the kind words and support, you never know we could get over your way someday, personally I would love that.

NP ELP Lucky Man

tetsu_pilgrimmonk said:
Hello Dan, nice meeting and talking with you. Thank you very much for
the info of ENCHANT's set list. It helps a lot. You rule! :worship:

Tetsu Hamanaka
Hi Ed,

Thanks for your reply. I enjoyed seeing Enchant's live at HEADWAY quite alot. Simply amazing and great live concert. Ed, your bass technique and playing were very impressive. Nice tones and technical performance including slapping and thumb-technique are quite amusing to see. In addition, I think one of your bass instruments with a blade-like head looks really unique that nobody seems using; it looks like a bit like guitar. :rock: Thanks for coming all the way from United States. I feel honored to get a reply from Enchant. Very appreciated for replying back to each poster, even though you have been very busy recently. It's great that you have checked out my small reviews about Headway Festival :) . Thanks a lot.

ebass said:
Hello Tetsu
I do remember seeing you at the merch table, next time say hello for sure. I saw your other post and wanted to tell you thanks and welcome to the Oasis. Hey again it means a lot to us. But next time we will chat a bit and you can meet the band OK!

Thanks again, Ed. It's amazing you recognized me at the merch table. At first, I was not sure it was Ed or someone who is related to Enchant member. Indeed it was you. And I thought Enchant was concentrated on the headlining show, so I guessed that I had better say hello to you later. Later on, I have come to realize that I should've said to hello in front of you at least. Ed, I really appreciate your kind message very much. :worship: When I see you at the venue somewhere in the future, I'll say hello to you for sure. :)

Yes, from Japan..It's a quite long way. But seeing Enchant and other great bands on Headway Festival is worth coming and seeing for me. In addition, I really enjoyed staying at Amsterdam and visiting other regions of Holland. Actually, it was quite a nice short vacation and experience for me. Headway is such an amazing event for prog rock/metal fans like us again; I've been to Headway once last year. 2005 edition of the fest was another great event for me.

Thanks for your excellent live performance of Enchant on the stage!!

Best Regards,
Tetsu Hamanaka
Seriously there's no need to thank me Ed, you guys are simply worth the trip both for the gig and hanging out with you it's as simple as that.

Besides now I realized few things : the first one is that this community of fans that we are here on this board kinda makes us closer in a way (for instance : me, tetsu, frank, wilma, bijenka, henk and so on) it looks like when you're attempting an enchant gig you see all the crazy and devoted enchant family.

The second thing is that, and I really mean it and I already told it both Ted and Doug last time in Paris : You guys changed my poor life and touched it, with your music and also with the fact you're so available and that's important for a fan in the following process. I've been following Enchant for almost 7 years now, and still discover new things each time I listen to your records and few can only touch people like this. These bands are called genius…*enough said

I love you guys and whatever happens you'll have my 200% unconditionnal support for sure :worship: I scream it loud and clear*and I'm sure it goes as well for a lot of people on this boards am I right fellow boardmembers ?
:rock: Yo, Ze Dan, you really nailed it here. Enchant are so available, close to their fans, Ed being here very often, and they all know how much their music means to us. :worship:

Funny how I rediscovered my teenage enthusiasm for music when I first heard Enchant. When I held the DVD booklet in my hand and every one of the guys signed their photograph in it I felt at least 20 years younger. I remembered my first Rush and Genesis concerts, how I met Steve Hackett in Hamburg when I was 18 and there it was again. This feeling of participating in something really larger than life. If this is what music can cause in you I simply do not want to lose that any more. In my "real life" people wouldn't understand how much I get carried away when I speak of my favourite bands, their music, their lyrics and what they mean to me. Even if some lines were just put together because there had to be a rhyme, everyone of us can have an interpretation of her/his own. With Enchant's lyrics I feel touched most of the time, things I have felt myself or I can at least understand.

To the band: Thank you again for an amazing evening. It really was a night to remember... :worship: