thank you metal and AA and UM.


WINTER OF SIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oct 10, 2005
Santa Fe, NM
all i have to say is thank you to all you guys here at ultimate metal. i dont chime in much because i am the type to hang out in the back of the room to observe all the idiots. i like to stay quiet cause people who open thier mouths too much are fuckin annoying. i live in an area where it seems like i am the only metal-head(real metal head at least) you guys here on the forum keep me sane even though i never talk to anyone. you have shared with me and many other members so much knowledge and i know what you say has opened up some poor bastards eyes to what is really going on in this shitty world. if it was not for metal and bands like Amon Amarth i dont know what i would do. they seem to invoke so much power in a person with thier words and melodies and after reading so many posts in this sub-forum it makes me glad to know that somewhere in this world there are other people like me who like what i do and do what i do.thanks ultimate metal, thanks Amon Amarth your a fuckin lifesaver.

hats off to you guys.:heh:
You shouldn't have to stay quiet, forums are for speaking your mind, so go for it. I can be apathetic with you in relation to lack of metalheads in my area. There are only 3 real ones in my school (including me), A majority of the others listen to metalcore and think they're the hardc0rex. It's good to see that we've helped someone, so keep it metal :rock:

so what you guys think? i posted this cause i read an old thread about how everyone is a sheep and people live in their shitty little media inspired worlds and are drones to the system and that metal heads stand few but strong and its because bands like amon amarth thats why we are here...i think the thread is on one of the 40 something pages.:kickass:
Man i fucking hear ya brother, fucking everything these days is just a fucking trend or fad. Your not fucking cool unless your with the whole crowd, fuck that shit! We metal heads stand for the music and what is being told through it! Fuck all those hardcore pussies, man this forum fucking rules. For once I can talk to logical metal heads who actually worship this music as I do. Fucking rock on to you all!
Man i fucking hear ya brother, fucking everything these days is just a fucking trend or fad. Your not fucking cool unless your with the whole crowd, fuck that shit! We metal heads stand for the music and what is being told through it! Fuck all those hardcore pussies, man this forum fucking rules. For once I can talk to logical metal heads who actually worship this music as I do. Fucking rock on to you all!

Well said man, I think this forum should be renamed to EMO CRUSHERS!!:flame:
hell ya. i didnt know i was so close to someone who actually is an individual and has his own opinions...holy shit. so you in albuquerque huh, must suck there more than it does here. all these fags that say they are metal cause they shop at fuckin hot topic and listen to atreyu and metallica and say they are the same type of music. man fuck em.
Omg, the angry american teenager thread .... hmmm what could I add to the conversation ... yeah .. like fuck them and stuff guys, yeah ... and fuck them cause yeah AA rules and now we can be logical with one another.

Good thing ive been hanging long enough around here to know what you mean belgar :lol: This forum is going nowhere. Most threads are shit these days