Thank you to CDInzane

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KS Metalhead
Oct 18, 2010
Topeka, KS
I've been following this forum for quite a few years now even though I have just recently started posting on it, but I have noticed a lot of people have been talking smack on CDInzane for one reason or another. But I just want to take a minute to thank Zane and his staff pubically for all the hard work they do. I recently had several orders with him that were organized poorly on my part and it took one phone call and he went out of his way to reorganize and fix my order to my satisfaction. A lot of distributors would not have taken the time to do that so I just wanted to say thanks for the hard work and I for one appreciate the job you do!!!!
A lot of distributors would not have taken the time to do that so I just wanted to say thanks for the hard work and I for one appreciate the job you do!!!!

All the distributors that I deal with certainly take the time to do whatever they have need to do to ensure my satisfaction. Which distributors are you referring to that would not do so? I'm just curious.
I've never had a problem ordering from Zane either, but then, I've always used credit card. All the problems I've heard about have come from people who paid using something other than a card.
My only problem I have ever had was the fact they dont let you know what is out of stock until things have shipped. It drives me nuts. I love how The End, Shadow Kingdom, and Sentinel Steel at least let you know what they have and dont have. Numerous times I have ordered from CDInzane and each time as I wait for stuff to get here it comes always missing stuff that wasnt in stock. I would love to get an update before is ships. I know you can track your order to see but it is a service they should provide. This is why I stopped ordering from them as of late. Now the new update to thier page has a useless....CD price and thier price comparrision. I would rather know if something is in stock or not rather than if I am saving a dollar or so. Money is no real object if it is something I want.
My only problem I have ever had was the fact they dont let you know what is out of stock until things have shipped. It drives me nuts. I love how The End, Shadow Kingdom, and Sentinel Steel at least let you know what they have and dont have. Numerous times I have ordered from CDInzane and each time as I wait for stuff to get here it comes always missing stuff that wasnt in stock. I would love to get an update before is ships. I know you can track your order to see but it is a service they should provide. This is why I stopped ordering from them as of late. Now the new update to thier page has a useless....CD price and thier price comparrision. I would rather know if something is in stock or not rather than if I am saving a dollar or so. Money is no real object if it is something I want.

Well in CDinzane's defense here it is harder than you think to keep up with inventory sometimes. I love that customers don't often consider this. And to say it does not happen with The End, Sentinel Steel or Shadow Kingdom well I have had it happen with everyone one of them. My very first order with Shadow Kingdom years ago for Artillery CDs before the Metal Mind was issues was just this case. Tim wanted me to take something to replace the two CDs not available, twice I had to ask for just a refund. Of course my first and only order with Inzane CDs were out put the money was refunded. As for the End and Sentinel Steel it as happened on several occasions over the years. But personally ordering stuff for myself I have had short packed orders, wrong editions, even wrong titles, and so on it is no big deal most people will correct it without a hassle.
I suggest to buyers who do not understand that screw ups can happen then I suggest they try it. Most of the people who run these mail orders are often one or two guys dealing with a lot of orders top of with bitchy winey people asking stupid questions, complaining about something pointless or whatever so yeah there tends to be screw ups.
Talk about the stupid shit buyers bitch about; where do they get off on complaining if you send them FREE stuff? See these are what kind of people mail orders deal with. I also love the crack case people there are a hoot. Then there is the guy who orders every few months who contacts the day after the order complaining that he has not received the CD, felling to realize there is an ocean between the U.S. and Australia. Then there is the guy who email a couple of times a day everyday from the time the order is placed. Man I could go on forever. And what I'm talking about is something only guys who have mail orders would understand cause we all deal with these issues. Maybe this is why I don't bitch if a mail order mees up on my order.
Well in CDinzane's defense here it is harder than you think to keep up with inventory sometimes. I love that customers don't often consider this. And to say it does not happen with The End, Sentinel Steel or Shadow Kingdom well I have had it happen with everyone one of them. My very first order with Shadow Kingdom years ago for Artillery CDs before the Metal Mind was issues was just this case. Tim wanted me to take something to replace the two CDs not available, twice I had to ask for just a refund. Of course my first and only order with Inzane CDs were out put the money was refunded. As for the End and Sentinel Steel it as happened on several occasions over the years. But personally ordering stuff for myself I have had short packed orders, wrong editions, even wrong titles, and so on it is no big deal most people will correct it without a hassle.
I suggest to buyers who do not understand that screw ups can happen then I suggest they try it. Most of the people who run these mail orders are often one or two guys dealing with a lot of orders top of with bitchy winey people asking stupid questions, complaining about something pointless or whatever so yeah there tends to be screw ups.
Talk about the stupid shit buyers bitch about; where do they get off on complaining if you send them FREE stuff? See these are what kind of people mail orders deal with. I also love the crack case people there are a hoot. Then there is the guy who orders every few months who contacts the day after the order complaining that he has not received the CD, felling to realize there is an ocean between the U.S. and Australia. Then there is the guy who email a couple of times a day everyday from the time the order is placed. Man I could go on forever. And what I'm talking about is something only guys who have mail orders would understand cause we all deal with these issues. Maybe this is why I don't bitch if a mail order mees up on my order.

Boy, you sure seem to like your customers...
Well let me just clarify that I am not bitching about anything, I was simply trying to thank Zane for going a little out of his way to help me out, thats all.
Boy, you sure seem to like your customers...

I like my customers just fine. I have had people buying from me for years now that does not mean there are not jackasses out there who make things very difficult so say what you will. Usually they are the same types of people who will try to get a free meal because a spot was on their fork oppose to just asking for another fork, and after getting the free meal will then bitch about the taste. If you don't believe these people exist then you I either one of them or have never dealt retail. It is simply the way it is not saying I don't like my customers, I have built long relationships with many of them. As for the other percent will they often just waste the retailer's time to be honest.
having managed a retail indie record store for nearly 15 years i am going to have to agree with jeremy on some customers trying to get everything they can at times, again, i will reiterate it's not even close to large percentage of people, but as everyone knows who has worked retail there is always a point in the day when we have to bitch about these lame and disrespectful people as to not want to kill or piss off the GOOD customers whose business we appreciate with our bad attitudes. :) we always saved it for the back room, however. hahaha.

although i do have a rule for my label and mail order. no order is worth being disrespected by a customer, and no customer is always right. it's just pretty simple rule and i try to keep everything on a respectful level between customer and owner. i have found the internet has allowed for too many personal (faceless) attacks, disrespect and if a customer cannot carry themselves with any of amount of common courtesy then i don't want to do business with them. naturally, if there is an order screw up i replace what i screwed up for free, because we are all human and even I make mistakes and again if a customer cannot understand that, then why would i want to do business with them.

speaking of poor customer service and how NOT to handle things. i ordered a MORTAL SIN reissue cd directly from the band's website in Australia and have waited 8 weeks with still no CD having arrived, i have sent 2 emails, first one at 6 weeks (i am patient, eh?) and one yesterday and got NO REPLY. this is fine example how to lose business. so i will buy the bootleg CD instead now.
speaking of poor customer service and how NOT to handle things. i ordered a MORTAL SIN reissue cd directly from the band's website in Australia and have waited 8 weeks with still no CD having arrived, i have sent 2 emails, first one at 6 weeks (i am patient, eh?) and one yesterday and got NO REPLY. this is fine example how to lose business. so i will buy the bootleg CD instead now.

You know I know all about dealing with bands who do a poor job. Just spent the last two hours sorting out a mess a band sent me.
I've been following this forum for quite a few years now even though I have just recently started posting on it, but I have noticed a lot of people have been talking smack on CDInzane for one reason or another. But I just want to take a minute to thank Zane and his staff pubically for all the hard work they do....

Does anyone not see the trademark?
OK Zane, nice try starting another i.d. of yourself to promote yourself.
Right before Progpower some jackass put a message on the PP Facebook basically saying I ripped him off and he never got his refund for an out of stock CD. Will when this was seen the guy was privately messaged about the situation and given the proof of his refund that was actually issued to him a month before he made the publicly slandering statement. On top of that it was offered that if he came by the table at the fest we would give him a copy of the now back in stock title for free. Well wouldn't ya know that this ballsy and quick slandering guy not only never replied but also never came by the table at the fest. Still his statement stayed on that thread.
These are the kinds of people that mail orders and even retail satores deal with everyday. Well I can do without them.
Does anyone not see the trademark?
OK Zane, nice try starting another i.d. of yourself to promote yourself.

As I told Matt in an email I knew right off, besides it is a douchy move that fits the Inzane MO. I just was moving on with the topic or topics. And no matter what anyone or any of us think of Zane I'm sure he deals with some of the same types of people we all do and we all have problems with. Now does that justify Inzane and him screwing over Hitler, probably not.:lol:
I'm not sure if this was meant to be taken as a joke, but I am NOT Zane Peterson. If you must know my name is Zane Flanagan and I am from Topeka KS. I have been coming to Progpower since 3 just fyi. I have benn doing business with Zane for a number of years and just wanted to say thanks. I'm sorry if there are other distributors that frequent this site that are having hurt feelings by this. All I can say is get over yourselves and take your issues up with your customers.
I'm not sure if this was meant to be taken as a joke, but I am NOT Zane Peterson. If you must know my name is Zane Flanagan and I am from Topeka KS. I have been coming to Progpower since 3 just fyi. I have benn doing business with Zane for a number of years and just wanted to say thanks. I'm sorry if there are other distributors that frequent this site that are having hurt feelings by this. All I can say is get over yourselves and take your issues up with your customers.

hurt feeling? What the hell are you talking about?:lol: Nevermnind rarely don't care Zane.:lol:
I suggest to buyers who do not understand that screw ups can happen then I suggest they try it. Most of the people who run these mail orders are often one or two guys dealing with a lot of orders top of with bitchy winey people asking stupid questions, complaining about something pointless or whatever so yeah there tends to be screw ups.
Talk about the stupid shit buyers bitch about; where do they get off on complaining if you send them FREE stuff? See these are what kind of people mail orders deal with. I also love the crack case people there are a hoot. Then there is the guy who orders every few months who contacts the day after the order complaining that he has not received the CD, felling to realize there is an ocean between the U.S. and Australia. Then there is the guy who email a couple of times a day everyday from the time the order is placed. Man I could go on forever. And what I'm talking about is something only guys who have mail orders would understand cause we all deal with these issues. Maybe this is why I don't bitch if a mail order mees up on my order.

Quoted For Truth!

First of all, if anyone has problems with Ken, then they must have a screw loose because this man has always gone above and Beyond that of most people!

As some of you know I have been selling cds for the last few months out of my own personal inventory on this site, and on the PM board....Everyone has been Top Notch, and there hasnt been one customer who has been a hassle at all.

However, I am also selling some older Guitar instructional videos and tab books on another site that I am a member of.

This one guy ordered a Fates Warning tab book for me, requested Media Mail shipping to keep the cost lower....he bitched and bitched to me about why it was taking so long, EVENTHOUGH I told them man, I would send the Priority and it would be quicker, he insisted on the slower/cheaper Media Mail, but bitched to ME, NOT the Post Office because it took so long.

Fast Forward to THIS MORNING: He had ordered this FW tab in early September and later that SAME week he was supposed to purchase the Michael Romeo VHS guitar instructional video.....I hadnt heard from him for weeks, and I sent a few follow ups, just to see if he was interested....

I just heard back from him last Thursday and he sent payment.....I sent him his delivery confirmation number this morning, thinking he will be happy and what do I find????

I see that the Pay Pal account has a DISPUTE on it now for not getting the order?!?!??!?!?!?

I got this payment late Thursday ( after 'business hours ) Friday and Saturday go by ( no mail on Sunday ) and at 3AM TODAY I checked Pay Pal for someone elses address and everything was this guy must have woke up at 8am-9am and decided to DISPUTE....What the bloody F ?!?!??!!

I posted all of this in the forums there, and this really left a sour taste in my mouth....

Ken is right. You do not hear from these people for weeks, or months but then BAM! Money sent, and in 6 hours they expect to have the merchandise?!?!? I know that sometimes dealing with the public you are going to experience some weird/crazy situations, but when people just enter this realm of something so un-realistic....its a total joke!!!

So again Ken, and everyone else....I salute you for dealing with these few jokers, just so the rest of us can benefit from the services that you provide us.

I'm not sure if this was meant to be taken as a joke, but I am NOT Zane Peterson. If you must know my name is Zane Flanagan and I am from Topeka KS. I have been coming to Progpower since 3 just fyi. I have benn doing business with Zane for a number of years and just wanted to say thanks. I'm sorry if there are other distributors that frequent this site that are having hurt feelings by this. All I can say is get over yourselves and take your issues up with your customers.

I see... so this Zane thing is a franchise deal. OK, now I get it. A franchise of wacky misspellers. Good to know. And BTW 'Zane #2', we're not experiencing hurt feelings. Ha :lol:
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