thanks and Hi!


New Metal Member
Oct 12, 2008

Just wanted to post a message on here to thank all the peope who have uploaded all those hundreds of awesome drum samples. Its easy to lurk on forums and nick all the good stuff but I recognise people must have spent fucking hours making all those wavs so respect where respect is due! I produce industrial music and found those metal samples really useful for both backing up other samples and as standalone drum sounds.

Nice of you to be thankful for stuff you download, not many people are.

I hate bastards who just leech and leech and never share anything, or not even giving creds to those who put hours into making the stuff.

Thumbs up man!

(I'm gonna be making industrial stuff too as soon as I get my midi-keyboard from Germany... :))
I'm gonna tag along the chain of of thank you's and send out my big :headbang: horns for those who put in the time for getting this place as good as it is right now. Samples, knowledge, gear reviews....

Thanks to all!