Thanks for the Ass Fucking American Dog!


New Metal Member
Jun 5, 2004
First off before I rant I want to thank Chris and Neeley for once again treating us well and running a great show.

Now for the rant,
Being a local Cleveland band you learn which clubs are good and which ones are shit. On June 16th my band Signal 30 played the HiFi with American Dog. We did it as a favor for Chris Akin from The Classic Metal Show. Chris is a stand up guy and so we do whatever we can when he needs a favor plus I'm a huge fan of CMS and Neeley has always been the man. We did not want to play the HiFi since the club has become a joke in the Cleveland area for treating bands like shit. Billy Morris needs to remember were he came from and start running his club like he use to. Anyways...... When we arrived we were approached and told that Mike from AD had a hernia and needed to switch with us because he was in so much pain. They were going to play 30 minutes and get out so that he didn't have to deal with it. In the parking lot Mike talked to us about how much it hurt and how he was going to get it taken care of after the Nugent gig. We felt bad and decided to switch with them and go on last. WHAT A LINE OF SHIT. AD took the stage and then proceeded to play their full set with the same effort out of Mike that I have seen in the past. So the 30 minute set we were told we would follow tuned into a full blown set for over an hour. After that it took forever for the sound men to move the gear off stage. Those drums are not made of glass yet each piece was walked slowly off stage like it was the fucking holy grail.

If you wanted to play third because you had a long drive back home than have the fucking balls to say it and we would have switched with you just to be cool and understanding. Instead we had to watch the crowd thin out because nobody wants to see a local band at 1:30 in the morning. Thanks American Dog for the ass fucking! Next time use lube or maybe man up and tell the truth.

Im sure I'm going to get emails telling me to fuck off or how bad we suck but I really dont give a shit. Bring it on!
I guess I'm sorry i fell asleep early Saturday. Maybe i wouldnt have noticed just listening here at home, but sorry to hear that story....thats not good for anyone no matter how you add it up.