Thanks, NM, for an amazing show.


Dim Sam
Jun 6, 2006
Harlequin Forest
So, they did their little Israel gig yesterday, and let me tell you - it was absolutely SPECTACULAR.
They didn't play an incredibly long set, probably due to Loomis (who was awesome) playing alone and banging a door against his left hand a day or so before the show, or maybe because they're on a short festival tour. It doesn't matter, though, because it was way better than many longer shows I've seen. It went for something around 80 minutes featuring 12 songs, which were, in this order:

This Sacrament
The River Dragon Has Come
Dead Heart, in a Dead World
Enemies of Reality
The Heart Collector
This Godless Endeavour
Inside Four Walls
I, Voyager

The Seven Tongues of God
The Sound of Silence (Warrel forgot the lyrics and sang about he he did so, which was hilarious)

What really frustrates me about the length of the set is that, when I went to see Opeth and Therion, I got much longer sets and the tickets were also much cheaper, as much as 25% less! Other than that I was particularly happy about the big emphasis on Dead Heart, because it's my favorite album.

They sounded great, though one of Van's cymbals was too high in the mix and sometimes obscured Loomis's playing. There were also some feedback issues that upset Dane, and he took his time laughing at it. Otherwise the sound was perfect.

Nevermore came to the Israeli audience at its best - loud, always singing, warm and cooperative. Dane looked like he was particularly relishing the audience.

My camera did betray me a bit so I only good a few decent-at-best pics from the show itself:

Loomis at fan Q&A:


Signing session:

Yup, WD's hair is much shorter than it used to be.


The show:







Another fan's pictures

Oh, and I also won Year of the Voyager DVD for completing an online quiz, which I'm now waiting for to arrive.

Overall - it was an awesome night, and big thanks to NEVERMORE for playing one of the best shows I've ever been to in my life and making my year a whole lot of a lot better

Love and respect on behalf of all Israeli NM fans,
- Jordan
yep i was there too. real great shit, my neck is dysfunctional now. the day before in the sig session i got my sticks signed by van, and also the fact i came with my bro (13) and dad (50) seemed hilarious to warrel probably as he insisted taking a picture of the 3 of us, the nevermore family. lol.

oh yes i hoped for more politics and maybe dreaming but fuck it was still awesome
yep i was there too. real great shit, my neck is dysfunctional now. the day before in the sig session i got my sticks signed by van, and also the fact i came with my bro (13) and dad (50) seemed hilarious to warrel probably as he insisted taking a picture of the 3 of us, the nevermore family. lol.

oh yes i hoped for more politics and maybe dreaming but fuck it was still awesome
So YOU were the guy WD took a picture of! People were talking about you in the audience yesterday :lol:
Did the length of the set bother you? I see a lot of bad posts about it on the forum.
So YOU were the guy WD took a picture of! People were talking about you in the audience yesterday :lol:
Did the length of the set bother you? I see a lot of bad posts about it on the forum.

well it was pretty short but so amazing i really cant complain. i left the place with a good feeling and enjoyed every second so i guess thats what matters
Goddammit! No solo during during the bridge verse (as I call it) on TGE, please please get a second guitarist so that Jeff can rip that shit up!! Singing and sweep-picking at the same time is what made that song so epic for me without being stratovarius crap at the same time.
So YOU were the guy WD took a picture of! People were talking about you in the audience yesterday :lol:
Did the length of the set bother you? I see a lot of bad posts about it on the forum.

btw what were these people in the audience saying:). i think warrel took a picture of my little bro alone and then of the 3 of us together