That’s Dr. Dumbass to you! (Epic failure to come?)


Damn Christians!
Aug 15, 2006
Boyton, WPB, FL
Now we can all be Scientist! TAH DAH! :lol:

Bill Would Allow Texas School to Grant Master's Degree in Science for Creationism.

"A Texas legislator is waging a war of biblical proportions against the science and education communities in the Lone Star State as he fights for a bill that would allow a private school that teaches creationism to grant a Master of Science degree in the subject.",2933,509719,00.html

NYPD being sued by cop who saw demon and wants his gun back.

"An evangelist cop who saw a demon at 1 Police Plaza and acted "godlike" is suing the NYPD to get his gun back.
Lt. Dominic Maglione contends police brass discriminated against his religious beliefs by putting him on desk duty at Brooklyn's 90th Precinct stationhouse and stripping him of his badge and gun after a psychotic episode in April 2006.
"[The NYPD's] wrongful confiscation of [Maglione's] badge and gun have compromised [his] ability to do his job," says the Manhattan Supreme Court suit.
Documents attached to Maglione's suit describe the 21-year veteran as a "practicing evangelist," and say the 2006 hospitalization was because he starved himself because he was too busy praying.
"He was alarmingly thin, his skin was pale and he was malodorous," according to a March 2008 Police Pension Fund report, which said he once saw a demon at Police Headquarters.
The report also says he acted "godlike" and lost 20 pounds in a few weeks as result of nonstop "contact with God," and says Maglione suffers from bipolar disorder, hyperreligiosity and obsessive-compulsive disorder."
it's galls me to core that this ass hat norris has the nerve to straight up say that "this country was founded on biblical principles"... the fuck it was, it was founded by people fleeing religious oppression and it's a basic tenant of our constitution that we should have such freedom as individuals. forcing bibles into public schools as a text is oppressive as you can get, and pisses all over the so called freedom each american is supposed to have. The Norris's are supporting an entirely UN-american agenda... one that is sadly sweeping this country right now. if i had children in a public school that adopted those types of policies i'd pull them out and have them educated privately and secularly[sic].
Anyone that believes in creationism needs to send me $10,000 because I can ENSURE you'll go to heaven.
Yeah, you've gotta love the people that think the founding fathers were Christians because there are references to "God" in our national documents. Apparently very few people have heard of Deism...