that David Blaine dickhead


Anathemaniac since 1993
May 27, 2002
I don't know if there have already been any posts about it. but anyhow. what do you think of him and his stupid stunts and his fake "magic tricks"?

my friends and I are big David Blaine haters and when we went up to London for a gig recently we took with us rocks, rotten eggs and a bottle full of piss which we threw at him.

I'll laugh my ass off if he's actually done some permanent damage to his health. and I'd of course be more happy if he died, which he didn't unfortunately.

so what do you people think of him?
yeah, it was stupid but why do you want him dead ffs? chill a bit. it's all poser crap but that doesn't mean we should all hate him like.

like vc said, i couldn't care less.
Allan said:
Yeah, stupid thing to do, but it's even more stupid to throw stuff at him, why care?
hey, it was fun throwing things at him! if he's doing it for the sake of entertainment, then we'll turn it into entertainment. it was even funnier when his stupid girlfriend was yelling at people throwing things at him & we egged her as well haha! then a police officer told us "that's enough for now lads, come back later when he's sleeping". that was fucking hilarious too.
Allan said:
Fair enough, whatever keeps you entertained :p .

Rocks sound unsafe though.
don't worry they were small ones. i should've written stones instead i guess. people were shooting golf balls at him, those would do a lot more damage than little rocks.
hey its funny. hes the same lad of the russian roulette story eh?

so you know, he tries to guess if the bullet is in the one chamber thats killing him. so he puts the gun against his sleep. and then he pulls the trigger. for the 3rd time he thought the bullet was in the chamber so he shot in the sandbox, was nothing. the fifth time it was bingo, but unfortunaltely he shot it in the sandbox again. but hey i reckon he could ve been dead eh? all about illusion? haha wanker!
oh well he may be a fucking idiot, but why even care? if you do, there will be dozens of those silly fucks around next year, with something even more stupid probably.
it gives us the oppurtunity to laugh right? its the same story with the guys from jackass haha the one who tried to head a bowlingball died because of that. stupid cunts :lol:
that's just pathetic. and the people who watch that shit even more. they (the jackasses) don't deserve the attention but they get more than they bargained for. that's just totally stupid and degenerate. he broke his leg, hahaha. not funny at all even if he'd deserve having both arms broken as well.
ah you know theres is one doing shows now eh, and he hopes that people will laugh with them when theyre seeing the tapes back in 20 years. so its not really pathetic
AHAHAHAHHAHAHA you guys know what he said after he got out? "now i look at life in a different way...the sunset, the moon, the smile of a girlfriend...this experience has opened my eyes...."


VultureCulture said:
that's just pathetic. and the people who watch that shit even more. they (the jackasses) don't deserve the attention but they get more than they bargained for. that's just totally stupid and degenerate. he broke his leg, hahaha. not funny at all even if he'd deserve having both arms broken as well.

aahhhh but what if people, like to watch ,and enjoy watching them inflicting pain on themselves :hotjump: well i know i dont mind :) theres nothing wrong in watching some skinny little idiots, do stupid things, and the outcome be harmful to them, so i,m all for some more broken bones :cool: