that sneap/colin richardson snare sound


Oct 16, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
aiming for it.... theres just something very specific about their snares. ive spent literally everyday for the past 3/4 months experimenting, mixing, listening to their work, trying to put my finger on it. i especially love the snare from the albums genesis by job for a cowboy and the powerless rise from as i lay dying.

drums are pure superior 2. plus cradle of filth kick i achieved from this forum ;)

guitar is schecter damien recorded from line 6 spider 3 head.... no ir or anything, bass is straight d.i. compressed and eq'd

really, looking for someone to collaborate with. also for pointers, as ill be taking clients soon. then even later to come im buying a house and setting up half of it for recording and tracking real instruments. but in the mean time.... sigh...
On headphones at the moment but I know the type of snare you speak of, im the same with the experimentation. Drums sound good but the snare still sounds like 2.0 to me.
thanks, yeah i am trying a specific technique and i think its working out, i need to try other snares and get an envelope plugin - or else i wouldnt be using superior. thinking about demo-ing metal foundry, not too impressed with it though.
Yeah MF is alright but its still very "thin" sounding. Its that signature crack that Sneap/Colin gets that instantly lets you know its their mix!

I also have a feeling the room samples in Superior are part of the signature 2.0 sound which is quite difficult to avoid.
haha yesssss. i think a big part of their snares snap is for sure a bottom snare mic/sample. plenty of short synthetic room verb is a must for that dimension and well was a mono room to smooth out the top mic.
Doesn't sound bad at all man. Surprised you got that decent of a tone from that Spider. I HATED mine.

I saw the Pro Tools session that Colin mixed for The Powerless Rise at Tim's studio, and he had 4 or 5 different snare samples blended in there. So good luck with that!
But I think you've done a smashing job considering what you've got to work with.
well its more than that imo. compression only takes you so far, especially with samples. besides layering compression on different tracks with somewhat different release times is more desirable imo
Doesn't sound bad at all man. Surprised you got that decent of a tone from that Spider. I HATED mine.

I saw the Pro Tools session that Colin mixed for The Powerless Rise at Tim's studio, and he had 4 or 5 different snare samples blended in there. So good luck with that!
But I think you've done a smashing job considering what you've got to work with.

awesome, exactly what i wanted and needed to hear hahaha. i didnt even see your post till now, thanks for the compliment!
You're welcome!

I can also tell you that he used the Waves CLA76 compressors and the Metric Halo channel strip on much of it. Oh and he actually used the stock digidesign d-verb on the drums. No crazy secrets really. Just good samples, an awesome ear, and knowledge of how to use the gear... You're on the right track man. Listening and experimenting is the only way you'll get there.
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You're welcome!

I can also tell you that he used the Waves CLA76 compressors and the Metric Halo channel strip on much of it. Oh and he actually used the stock digidesign d-verb on the drums. No crazy secrets really. Just good samples, an awesome ear, and knowledge of how to use the gear... You're on the right track man. Listening and experimenting is the only way you'll get there.

That's interesting, I didn't know that Colin did ITB mixes.

Sounds like his PT template reminds of Andy's quite a bit: Metric Halo channel, D-Verb. ;)

Anything else interesting from that PT session you would like to share? Like which plugs he used on guitar and bass? :)
Yeah I guess he usually works on Neves, but he flew out and did it at Tim's studio for this record. They're all ITB besides a summing box. (Dangerous I think?) Didn't get in there and dissect anything, but I saw Metric halo, digidesign eq3 and the massey compressor on some stuff. He re-amped the guitars (that's been detailed in another thread somewhere)

So there's actually nothing revolutionary to even share. Dude used the same stock plugins everyone has. He had the time to fiddle with everything till he got it where he wanted.

I was expecting to find some magic pot of mixing gold in there, but it turns out he's just really good at using what he's got.
........ turns out he's just really good at using what he's got.

good to know buddy, good to know. thanks for sharing.

well for steinberg users use roomworks, its actually pretty good. i know i prefer it over the waves plugs ive tried. that snare verb at the end of this little track is roomworks.