"That Trapped Thread" Part II.


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
This time about writing solos.

I've got the riffs, and i've got the chops... i've also got a seemingly endless knowledge of scales modes etc (if anyone's too much of a gimp to work out the harmonic minor modes for themselves, i'll post them up here if you want)

Whenever i write a lead, it always seems like i'm just sticking a few licks together like a hodge podge of wails and shredding... it never sounds decent.

I can solo my ass of, but i'm just not quite there with writing the leads. Lately i've been trying for the Loomis thing, leaning on the harmonic minor and aug scales, with a few whole tone runs for that 'surreal' feel in the middle of the solo, ala 42147.... But it never sounds quite right.

It's not the fact that i'm just shredding sweeping whatever, i write a pile of different licks to the riff, pick out the ones i like, and then peice them together, but it sounds like i've done just that, they never link up.

How do you guys go about bridging the gap between the different licks in your leads etc... it's an absolute pain in the ass i tell you.
lol, thats a pretty tricky question you're asking there Trapped. The truth is that I personally rather dislike writing solos, I love soloing but hate writing the bastards. I leave that up to the pros and then steal their bits :grin:

You say that your solos sound like a mish-mash of licks and shit, but really thats all a solo is if you think about it. Like you, I really don't know how the pros get them to fit the song so perfectly but I guess thats why they're famous and we're not.

PiNkMaGGiT \m/,:grin: ,\m/

Lol, I just realised that I pretty much totally avoided your original question. oops.
ha ha... cool, thanks anyway.

It annoys me that i can play other people's solos, and licks from their solos... and yet i can't write my own.... :grr: