That young boy voice - Mnemic example


Jul 27, 2009
I everybody yesterday talking with a friend I've been asked what kind of effect make the voice of Guillame (singer) like this


because we saw them playng live and the voice in choruses was like
this: [ame][/ame]
and often more bad than this ;)

I think is something different than a pitchshifter, maybe a frequency shifter like effect but I cant find a good answer
Guillaume does an awesome job in studio but on stage it's a different story...
Ear monitors should help to solve his problem :)
Guillaume does an awesome job in studio but on stage it's a different story...
Ear monitors should help to solve his problem :)

yes sure :)
but how can I (we) achieve that kind of effect in the voice?
because in the record it's not his natural tone
Yeah, no obvious vocal effect in the song from the first vid. Just a lot of doubling/tripling/solid vocal production. I hear some 'verb but that's really it. You're hearing the difference between a lot of takes in the studio and a live show.
I think there's more than double tracking, it must have at least 4. That's the effect.
Madsen usually adds a stereo slap delay to the vocals, just to widen them. That's what you hear (+ reverb and big compression) on these double tracked vocals. I think there's also some chorus.