The 2006 Matt Olympics!!! If Your name is Matt, POST HERE!

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
I shall be the moderator of the thread as my name is Mat with one T. Here are the ground rules. All Matts will go head to head to show their force of sheer awesomeness. Post a reco of a great unknown band, tell a funny, post a picture of you in a girl's sweater, whatever it takes. The RC faithful will give rep points to all worthy posts, as well as replying with the phrase "You're my number one Matt"

The Matt with the most replies of "You're my number one Matt" will be the victor and be awarded the coveted custom title of "The Undisputed #1 Matt.


My neighbors cat used to shit in our yard, so I would take it and throw it into their pool. They moved not to long after that, I think.
hey this thread applies to me!

one time long ago in high school i went to a big-ass kegger. naturally the 5-0 showed up and all 200-howevermany people unceremoniously split but the few of us who actually knew the dude whose house it was just kinda hid for a while. the cops ended up taking the tap for the keg but not the keg itself, so we did what anyone else would do and rolled it into the bathroom and laid it on its side in the bathtub so we could get at its precious golden contents by just pressing on the top part where you attach the tap. we all proceeded to get wasted and the last thing i recall is taking a piss off the back porch. i wake up in the morning on the couch with satan himself conducting the 1812 overture in my woeful noggin and one of my friends walks into the room saying "dude do you remember what you did last night?" what the hell do you think? "really early this morning you got up from the couch, walked into a picture on the wall and kept apologizing to it, then went into the kitchen...i walked in to see if you were ok and i saw you standing in front of the open fridge with the door blocking the lower half of your body and you had this weird look on your face. i was like "matt dude what's up?" then i heard this...dribbling noise. dude, you pissed in the fridge. it's ok though, brendan cleaned it up. we told him it was apple juice."
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If I didn't fucking suck/was actually funny/actually knew shit/you faggots actually remembered my name was Matt too I may have participated but no, that's not the hand I was dealt.
Dodens I remembered your name was Matt. Participate damnit! Make this thread as golden as Matt (CHL) friend's fridge.

1 rep point and "Number 1 Matt" Reply to Cthulu for that story. :lol:

CA, you're now also a Matt, because Nick said so.
Décadent said:
You're Matt if I say you're Matt!
A non-Matt is winning this whole thing. It's like the first time my pals were allowed to play in the Harlem Globetrotters, it's all downhill from here!