The Abyss


Feb 24, 2008
Lets talk about The Abyss. I mean the "black metal" band Peter and the guys started.
They released two albums i think?

1994 - The Other Side
1997 - Summon The Beast - Wikipedia

Can we buy these? Can we listen to them somewhere, does anyone know anything about this secret band of Peter, Hypocrisy?
well of course we know about that
I have summon the beast here
I wish someone could send me the other side, I know it is much better than summon the beast

Summon the beast is...well, I get bored after 10 minutes, plus Lars and Mikael shouldnt do any vocals at all I mean they sound like frogs in heat or something
'the other side' is great, more than 'summon the beast' for me... plus yo got a cover of hellhammers "massacra"... really great
I have both, but haven't listened to them much, i should give them a spin...
Nuclear blast once released a digipack with both albums i believe, maybe you'll find it on ebay or somewhere
i'll check. Thanks! I really want them.
Btw, i bought The Final Chapter Alien head edition yesterday. It was a alien head on it anyways.
holy shit! Just found some Abyss songs on Spotify. Damn Peter sounds great. He should do more Black Metal. Skip Pain, go for Black metal instead :)