The Acacia Strain - Wormwood. What drum samples used?

Bay Studio

Jul 29, 2011
Austria/New Jersey
Hey guys :)

I´m new here, so a BIG HELLO to all of you!

I´ve been "analyzing" this mix for some time now, and yould really like to know what kind of drum sample Chris "Zeuss" Harris used on the kick and snare (especially kick).
It has this airy kinda feel to it with this nice round low end punch and a reaaal nice kicky sound to it.
Any suggestions or possible knowledge of whats been used would be soooo awesome! :)

Here´s a link to the track:

From what I remember reading (and I could be totally wrong, someone correct me if I am) Zuess is more of a natural guy, using real amps and real drums first and foremost.

However I can assume his kick on the latest Whitechapel mix is most likely Kick5 or the Panty Kick.
yeah, i almost asumed he gets a nice natural sound of the mic´d kit, and probably blends a sample or two on kick and snare...
Not trying to find out what exact sample he used to blend in on the kick, but...i just cant find out how he gets that real "airy", nice soft low end punch and that nice sweet "kicky" feel to the kick... :/ struggling on that for quite a while now, spending long hours trying to figure it out.
Actually if you know what the video is about its actually quite funny... ever see to catch a predator??? haha
haha :D yeah, the video is quite funny. basically, the band is just full of their own humor, if you ever watch their previous music videos and studio diaries :-DD great guys though!
but, still....anybody got an idea how he MIGHT get this nice kick sound? Sorry if i´m too nosy, but its killing me that i dont know, hehe :)
hey zvish!!! Thanks man :)) sounds nice! but, its a wav. file? how can i blend it in? i use drumagog and steven slate.. Soundreplacer maybe?

Drumagog can handle wavs. You can add one drumagog session with one sample then another one after the first one and lower the blend/mix bar to taste. I haven't really blended samples but I believe that's atleast one technique.
hey, make your own gog file. Don't know whad daw are you using, in cubase i just send one signal to another mono group and add there another drumagog, then blends with fader, or you can trigger from midi tracks up to 4 drumagogs on differend channels
hey ! yeah, i tried it out today in the mix. real nice! i´m just having some "troubles" with kick in my mix. just going through my sample library for a nice sample to blend in with kit :) oh yeah, and i´m using Pro Tools LE 8 at the moment. upgrading to 9 in some time. Thanks for your tips, bro !