The actual AZ deathfest lineup!!


crazed tattooed metalhead
Jan 19, 2002
Metal Devastation's AZ Death and Grindfest
April 9th and 10th at the Old Brickhouse 1st St. and Jackson
$20 per day or $30 for both

April 9th
(Album Release show, don't miss this!)
Deeds of Flesh
(Bay Area Brutal Death Metal)
(San Diego's finest Death Grind)
Severed Savior
(Bay Area Speedy Death Metal)
(Chicago Death Metal)
(L.A. Heaviness, Ex Members of Enewetak)
Inducing Terror
(Local Grinding Death Brutality)
(Local Melodic Death Metal Goodness)
Rising Pain
(Local Thrash Metal)

April 10th
(Maryland Deathcore masters)
(LA Deathgrind)
Lack of Interest
(Legendary LA Power Violence)
Lord Gore
(Bay Area Gore Grind Brutality)
(Local Death Grinders)
(Funeral Harvest Death Metal)
Fate Turns Grey
(Funeral Harvest Death Metal)
(Funeral Harvest Melodic Death Metal)
Burn Victim
(Local Vomitcore Brutality)
(Local Deathgrind, Ex Structure of Lies)
The sound guy limited us to 3 songs last year cause of his discrepancy with fiddling with whatever problems he had before our set. I urge all Vehemence fans to yell at whoever messes up our sound. Simply unprofessional, someday I hope we can have our own sound guy to enhance the quality of our live sound.
The sound guy limited us to 3 songs last year cause of his discrepancy with fiddling with whatever problems he had before our set. I urge all Vehemence fans to yell at whoever messes up our sound. Simply unprofessional, someday I hope we can have our own sound guy to enhance the quality of our live sound.
Have Will do your sound at this show.
The8thPlague said:
still not sure if I wanna go.
I want the new CD, but the only bands on there I give a crap about are you guys & Dying Fetus.
So maybe I'll just swing by & track one of ya down to get a cd.
That's my exact problem. Two days of other bands just to see two of them. I'm already seeing Vehemence on the 20th anyway. It would also be cool to stop by and see whats up with Will too, though.

You guys shouldn't have that problem this time though. Wasn't the problem that the keyboards weren't heard or something? That angered me quite a bit too...
last time was a bunch of problems. Andy's bass drum trigger wasn't working, keyboards... It was just a mess. We had the same problem with the first AZ Death and Grind Fest as well. I hope this one goes smoother. You guys should go to this! Sucks that Death Angel and Flotsam are on the same day... Oh well.
you are whistlin dixie bjorn about death angel. I loved the clubs in detroit or columbus ohio that used to be grouped up next to each other. I would run back and forth to check out the bands I wanted to see.

What irks me about death angel is they swapped dates 3 times. I told ted from DA that they will have competition amongst our not the hugest scene on those particular days.

I will also be curious to hear Ryan's new band on Saturday. I might just check that out and then head over to Death angel. I haven't made up my mind.
you are whistlin dixie bjorn about death angel. I loved the clubs in detroit or columbus ohio that used to be grouped up next to each other. I would run back and forth to check out the bands I wanted to see.

What irks me about death angel is they swapped dates 3 times. I told ted from DA that they will have competition amongst our not the hugest scene on those particular days.

I will also be curious to hear Ryan's new band on Saturday. I might just check that out and then head over to Death angel although I would love to see Lord Gore. I haven't made up my mind.