The Agonist kicks my ass


New Metal Member
Oct 2, 2010

great instruments, great recording, great mix. great tits. :Smokin:
I live in Córdoba - Argentina, they were supposed to come here soon, my gf bought the tickets, they're not coming. I was not interested in them before, will not be in the near future. Toy Band.
I love their singer. She is so beautiful.


Their tunes are kickass too, actually.
Fuckin loves herself a bit too by the looks of her body language/theatrics :lol: Good players though, I'll give'em that. The mix is cool, but just sounds like every other super-sampled modern pop-metal mix floating about.
Dude, you picked the worst song, I think this one is way more representative:
I learned about The Agonist from the "Hot chicks in metal" calendar :lol:
I never listened to their albums, but I saw them live once, and it was horrible.
Really horrible.

Plus I've been told she doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, no drugs, vegetarian... not really my style, altough she is hot
The songs just don't make any sense to me. It's random licks and burping at a 100 miles per hour.

To each his or her own I guess. :loco:
Oh come on guys, no need to maintain the "I'm too manly to like this shit" attitude. When I first heard them I thought "meh, just another metal band with a chick vocal", then I happened to listen more and realised they are pretty damn good and they really grew on me, although the mix is quite bad, IMO. Their last album isn't that easy to take in but once you've listened to the soungs a couple of times you realise how awesome they are.

The previous album had a song that's a lot easier on the ears but at the price of originality.
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I learned about The Agonist from the "Hot chicks in metal" calendar :lol:
I never listened to their albums, but I saw them live once, and it was horrible.
Really horrible.

Plus I've been told she doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, no drugs, vegetarian... not really my style, altough she is hot

I first found out about them from a calendar with her in as well :D

I didn't know she was a freak like that... I liek my beer and meat :Spin:
1) Yeah she is hot.
2) The music is cool and she's also, but around the half of the album(s) the music gets a bit boring/very AE.

I listen to them the same as I do with Rammstein: not more than 3-5 songs in a row.
But man, those songs really kick ass :headbang:

I'm gonna go see them on monday if I can get some tickets still, even if theiy're only supporting some other band...dunno how/when/if I'm gonna get the chance to see them live again, so I gotta take this one :D

on a sidenote: I know this band because my GF told me: "look at this band, the singer is really hot!" :lol: