The album and any new news on that front


May 17, 2006
Hi everyone its Wozza, hope everyone is all good and healthy.
I was just wondering how things were going with recording the album? How are the land finding the great Steve Wilson? and just any news on that front.

On a completely differnt note, my band have a local gig on the 30th July (Ruth P this goes out to you), check out my bands myspace. But if anyone on here who are local to my area have nothing to do on that day come down to the Bull and Vic in Dartford an give us and the other bands some support (we, Equinox, will probably be on 1st or early for 30mins and be the only proggy band on the bill). :headbang:
Mabool said:
Hi everyone its Wozza, hope everyone is all good and healthy.
I was just wondering how things were going with recording the album? How are the land finding the great Steve Wilson? and just any news on that front.
I think the band will keep posted to give all relevant information.
At the moment they are probably preparing the upcoming summer festivals and the El Nora Alila anniversary that will certainly be a big big big event regarding the information that filtered :D
True true BC-A Im just soooo exited about the album, wondering what new riffs that will porbably inspire me in some shape or form, lyrics etc.