The Amen Corner

It's one of those songs that I still don't have a full grasp on, much like most of the early songs. I've listened a million times but I can't quite picture it fully because it changes so much and is kind of indefinite (none of that is negative). The intro is also one of the best ever. Not sure about the heaviest ending though, Karma and BWP beat it for me.

MAYH is the best concept album there is. The beginning is so nice, with the rain, then the fade and sharp heavy cut in, then songs like When, Credence, DOTF... then the end of Karma and Epilogue finishing it.
Originally posted by Stinkfist
I saw a CD yesterday by a band called The Amen Corner. Do you thik Mikael named it after them, like he did with Blackwater Park?

It goes both ways - you know the band April Ethereal with an album out called Advent? ;)