The Andy Social Podcast (LORD)

Episode 24 is the first of a monthly catch up of music talk with Milton Mendonca of Infinity Concerts and Co-Promoter of ProgPower USA

Listen here -

Episode 28 features John Maher

Blurb from my page - "John Maher’s experiences with road tragedy are not unique, however his story is. In fact, it’s Carmen’s story, his daughter who was killed in a car accident, November 1995. John travels across the state of Victoria and various parts of the country speaking to high school students and businesses to tell Carmen’s story and spread the important message of road safety."

Listen here -

Appreciate it! Yeah, I've been having a few issues with attacks on the site. Not entirely happy with the web host I'm using as we have beefed up our security on the site but they are suspiciously suspending the site every so often and offering security packages for purchase. I'll be doing a revamp of the website in the next few months when I find a good web designer (because I suck!) and will look to move web hosts at the same time.