The "animal in you" test!

Yes, but playing at work. What does that tell you?
You are either a Bear or a Zebra personality.

But you may also be a Lion personality.

Bear:"Never avoid an argument and never back down."

That sounds about right, unless someone wants to argue about that...

P.S. This is the best/funniest test I've seen lately.
Damn, I almost knew it would be you that would be the one to disagree with me. Not that you will be the only one, well, of course, unless this post puts the others of just to propve me wrong...
But I am damn sure i'm right. And by posting this post I prove that I was indeed right.
A Baboon!? :eek:

........Well I suppose ~Z~ will be happy to know she's always been right. :bah:

Call 'Me' a Baboon! :cry:

Oh, though apparently I could also be an Owl....... Go figure.

DarknessEternal said:
You are either a Shrew or a Bat personality.
But you may also be a
Lesser Spotted Gregorosnatch personality.

Ummmmmmm... Why doesn't the Lesser Spotted Gregorosnatch link work while the other 2 do? :confused:

I wanted to see what a Lesser Spotted Gregorosnatch looked like, cos I've never heard of such an animal before...... but now i can't.... :cry:

great, I'm either a bat or a mountain goat or a snake :lol: :loco:

hm, I'm starting to develop a different aproach to these three species, I mean fellow-animals like Nostradamus or Woddy Allen are not the worst, right? :Spin: