The Arusha Accord


Jun 16, 2008
Uppsala, Sweden
Not seen anyone talk about these but they're really cool! I love SikTh and this is sort of like a mix between SikTh and Architects. Man there are so many great brittish bands these days in this genre!

Absolutely love the guys, but really hate their shit about purposefully not writing anything with back-to-back measures with the same time signature, and altering each measure by 2-3bpm and claiming to rehearse to those slight changes.
They are awesome. Maybe a little bit too chaotic at times, and sometimes the songs don't really stand out from each other, but still - awesome.
Man i did sound for these guys a couple of months back, when they played Doncaster...... they were really good. But i think it too technical in places and begins to sound like a mess.