The Atheist Delusion

Very true, the only big diffrence is that we (or at least I) still believe in Satan and God as a force.
The term satanist is just used because it was supposed to be the oppossition of christianity and therefor they picked the opposite of god (Satan that is) and now we're stuck with that name. alot of ppl judge satanism the wrong way. they don't know what it's about

But is that 'force' a literal one, or a just an abstract viewpoint? Obviously nothing is as black and white as people think it is. And yes, I agree why the term Satanist was used, its more effective from that standpoint and the fact that it creates such an uproar is actually a benefit to Satanism. The goal of many religions it seems is to convert another where as in Atheism or Satanism its more about opening one’s mind and seeing the world for what it really is. So the negative publicity isn’t necessarily a bad thing because as long as Satanism or Atheism becomes more open to the public people will question their beliefs since the idea will be out there. However Christians for example view Satanism in relation to how its viewed in their religion.
@Tal: altough I kinda agree with you, there's more to it than that. what about the things we know nothing about? (like the examples I was talking to chris about)

@Ars Diavoli: well it's both actually, it's abstract cuz it's not really a materialised force but yet it's still there. The relationships between every living is a fact and I don't think we can define it any other way. I could write a large part about the ego and the self but I will refrain from that since I can't find the words for it in English but I can try if you want that...
I don't think it's a good thing that we have created an uproar. People these days back away from me when I say I'm a Satanist so they don't listen to what I have to say. They still think I'm a dark person who sacrifices virgins to a goat or something. Open minded people are very hard to find these days. Nobody listens cuz their mind is already made up.
I think most people are open minded but like me don't really get into religion because theres no reason for it to be a big deal, its just made a big deal by people who preach and get angry when people have beliefs that challenge theres. Like in that video alot of people are like that whether it was real or not, people who flame religion or aggresivly defend their religion are idiots because they make things worse. People should just let people do their own thing unless they're not keeping it to themselves. That probably made no sense to anyone...