the awesome thing about my coworkers


Three Star General
Jul 26, 2002
3:15 pm

"Hi I need 45 copies of this 10 page document in full color, can you print them on the color printer for me?"

No, take it to Kinkos

(calling from Kinkos) "Hi, they can't have it printed by the end of the day for me, can you start printing it and I'll just grab it first thing in the morning?"

OK but-

"Thanks, you're the BEST!!"

4:45 pm

"What does 'replace Imaging Drum' mean?"

It means you're SCREWED for waiting until the LAST POSSIBLE SECOND YOU RETARD!!!!!
Originally posted by chupe666
I sometimes have people calling my phone at 5:45 looking for something they need that day.

Luckily, my presence is usually a thing of the past by that time.


Best I've ever had: "Hello, yes, I'm looking for a result on a patient"
Me:Yes, what's their hospital number
"I don't have it I'm afraid"
Me:Their date of birth?
"Nope, haven't got that either
Me:Their name?
"No, I'm afraid I don't have it, but it was on a green form.."


Also had some-one ringing up once because they weren't sure if one identical twins would suffer from the same genetic defect as his brother.. I was like "Dude, they're IDENTICAL twins, you fool.."