The Band Name Game

Hmm Profanity and cob666, I don't think you two understand the game. The first letter of the band you use must be the same letter as the last letter of the previous band. Example - Slayer, Rhapsody, Yattering, Graveland, etc.

Anyway, to use Profanity's band.

Grand Belial's Key
Sonnenritter said:
Hmm Profanity and cob666, I don't think you two understand the game. The first letter of the band you use must be the same letter as the last letter of the previous band. Example - Slayer, Rhapsody, Yattering, Graveland, etc.

Anyway, to use Profanity's band.

Grand Belial's Key
Look back in the thread and you will always find i've done it correctly or are you going to waste time editing them all so you feel hard?
Let's not get pissy because you made a mistake. The fact of the matter is that you DID do it wrong here, but it's not a big deal. I don't want to argue over such a petty mistake. So, on with the game. :)
