The Band Name Game

~Neurotica said:
Yello (lol)

(hhmm... really?... well, then I guess I gotta listen to Miss Machine more attentive, as I got it only yesterday... some things need time to be understood... Why I like the first albums - coz they are emotional, hysteric and really interesting... but yes I will pay my attention to Miss Machine. Thanks =)


(no problem...yeah, MM isnt quite as chaotic as their others, it has a lot more melody, and that's actually what makes me enjoy it more)
Ion Dissonance

(yea, I like melodic too. Ok, gotta listen to it again. I'll tell you bout results hehe)
~Neurotica said:
Ion Dissonance

(yea, I like melodic too. Ok, gotta listen to it again. I'll tell you bout results hehe)
I.D....good choice, haha...


(yeah, PM me with what you think, I love it...every time my band goes on tour we play that album relentlessly...)
(Tenacious D is one of my fav bands, its rare that you find a comedian who is extremely musically talented, and brings the two together...All musicians want to be comedians, and likewise...but very rarely is it good...)