The bass tone on the new Trivium album...


Sir Groove-A-Lot
Jan 31, 2010
Cambs, UK
... is outstanding.

It's the sort of tone that makes the guitars sound enormous (though the guitar tone is already great)

To my ears it sounds like heavy use of DI, with some grit in the top end coming from a distorted track, and MAYBE an amped track lower in the mix.

Anybody concur or got any info?
Yeah, quite a bit of DI - I'd guess. Something says "P-Bass" to me...? Choice of strings would be interesting - I'd go for Daddario ProSteel but would be happy about other suggestions.
Maybe some distortion. OR maybe just some Exciter (old Aphex-Style works really well on stuff like this) - followed by a nice compressor to bring out the attacks. I'd also guess there's an amped track as well.
It's a nice tone - I will listen more extensively on good monitors and maybe add some impressions. Sitting in front of lousy laptop-speakers now.:(
DI track - LP at 600Hz
Wet Track - Kemper Ampeg profile - LP 2.8k HP 750 (this is the core of the sound)
Both tracks go to one group:
CLA Bass (it does veeeeeery good job)
Waves H-EQ HP at 50 Hz, boost at 100 Hz, cut at 3.7k,
FabFilter ProQ deep scoop at 280 Hz (-19 dB)
and again surgical FabFilter HP at 88Hz, Hshelf at 750, narrow scoops (annoing noises) at 1230, 2750
And thats it. No more magic.
Single - bridge pickup only. Cheap Ibanez GSR200 with active EQ on board (all to the max). Guitar went through MXR M80 - hence deep clean tone and then through outboard API2500 compressor. It worked really well without initial compression too - just MXR directly to preamp.