The Bearded's Project: special Christmas offer!

ich bin besser

Guy with no opinion
Aug 10, 2002
Yes, the project is still alive! :)

If you are looking for a proggy Christmas present, here's your chance: you get 27 interesting songs (on a double CD and a download option of the bonus disc) with a running time of about 3,5 hours. We now sell the music for only 10 € - this is about 19 $, plus shipping. Please notice we also reduced the shipping costs!

This offer is only valid until Christmas!

More information about the project (including reviews and sound clips) can be found here:
We already raised more than 5000 Euro for the good cause. We still have more than 400 CD's lying around and it would be a shame to just use them as beer coasters.
So please don't hesitate to buy your copy now.

Thanks for your support!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!