The Beatles


May 2, 2003
Fortress of Arrogance
What a fucking band. Just listening to The White Album just now, and it's, as usual, blowing me away. "Piggies", "Everbody's Got Something To Hide"...,"Back In The USSR", Dear Prudence", "Cry Baby Cry"'s an awesome album.
Most music fans can find something here they enjoy, apart from elitist wankers who only like bands that sell 3 copies of each album.
They've got some shit stuff too it has to be said, but considering how many songs they wrote over the years, they were amazing. All four members, even Ringo, could carry a tune, while Paul and John had incredible voices, and often overlooked is the number of great riffs the group came up with.
The Beatles are painfully overated. Lyrically they had a few good moments, but most of their lyrics were cheesy and cliched love lyrics or bad stoner/hippy bullshit, a lot of which makes no sense at all. As musicans none of them were perticuarly talented (they even had Eric Clapton do thier guitar solos on some of the later albums), not that extreem talent as a musican is nessisary to make good music, but with the way these guys are praised, you expect them to at least do their own solos. As songwriters they did write some very good stuff but most of it is average to bad. Overall they get way more praise then they deserve, and it has be come virtually unacceptable to dislike the Beatles.
The Beatles = prototype boyband

I fucking can't stand them. Gay pop music eventually leading into fake psychedelic (I can't spell as I'm been out drinking all nighnt) garbage. Arthur Brown is the true shit! The king of fucking hellfire!!!!!!!
way overrated. there is so much better music out there. why would anyone listen to that. even when they first came out, there was better music.

but im an elitist asshole who prefers musicality and technicality over strumming chords. things like complex melody.