The best advice when EQing guitars, drums, bass, etc.?


Heavy Metal Member
Sep 30, 2012
I thought it would be interesting to start a thread where forum members could share some tips as to EQing instruments.

Here's my advice for guitar:

Try to make sure your initial recording/guitar tone sound great first. I usually just keep the knobs at noon.
Then focus only on using a low pass filter(taming the highs) from around 6k to 10k while using the Q to adjust the crispness.
Then use a high pass filter(getting rid of unneeded bass) from around 60 to 100Hz.
I've also found another way to handle the low end by putting a low shelving filter at 250Hz and reducing the DB level from there while listening.

Using a compressor with 4:1 ratio, 0ms attack, and 50ms release time to control palm muting is helpful too.
Also, learning to control your strumming hand when playing makes a huge difference as well.