The best guitarist ever!!!

SRV is great. Fantastic player and I love a lot of his music (particularly the live albums I've heard). Had(has?) too many zealots that marched his banner just because he was white though.

And Zod we are in complete agreement on the pinnacle/preference comment. My favorite is possibly Frank Zappa. Possibly Duane Allman. Possibly Michael Hedges. Depends on the position of the stars I guess.
I had the privilege of seeing SRV play here in Atlanta at the Fox Theater not too long before he was a double-headlining bill with Jeff Beck also. That night, SRV was really good.....but Beck stole the show.

I remember they were filming SRV's performance for some sort of video release, and they had to ask the people in the first few rows to stand up and cheer for the audience shots; they were just sitting there....
I've spent most of my life arguing with people about Who is the Best Guitar Player (usually taking the side of, there IS NO best guitar player). That all ended for me after hearing Shawn Lane, and then, recently Guthrie Govan. As far as best musician, most emotional, best songwriting, we could find great guitar players for days. But, as consumate guitar players who are always in God Mode, those two are the only two that impress me anymore.

you actually have the best guitarist ever pictured in your signature. The most criminally underrated guitar player ever, with such an easily recognizable sound and incredibly passionate playing - and to make it complete; Criss even wrote some of the best songs ever released. There sure were more technicaly skilled players out there, but in the end of the day, what's important is that you have expression, passion and know how to write killer songs. What he was when he lived (and always will be because he lives on through the greatest song legacy ever built), is pretty much where Jeff Loomis is at today, and I am glad Jeff finally gets the recognition he desreves. But in terms of a signature expression, passion and creativity - topped with being an incredibly nice guy (just like his older brother Jon) - I doubt we will ever see anyone like Criss again.

I've spent most of my life arguing with people about Who is the Best Guitar Player (usually taking the side of, there IS NO best guitar player). That all ended for me after hearing Shawn Lane, and then, recently Guthrie Govan. As far as best musician, most emotional, best songwriting, we could find great guitar players for days. But, as consumate guitar players who are always in God Mode, those two are the only two that impress me anymore.

I've never heard anybody with the skill of Shawn Lane. Especially with the clips I've heard/seen of him performing live.

One thing that's always funny about these conversations is that people only include people in 'their' genre. What about classical guitarists? What about jazz?

It would be useful if when somebody 'starts' this conversation, they first define 'best'.