The best Metal music videos

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Surprised InFlames hasn't posted this one yet:

That's an okay video. The footage is random, but sometimes captures the feeling of wandering through some really epic woods while contemplating the eradication of one's heritage.

I don't think there are many music videos that are legitimately good and actually add to the experience of listening to the song. Most are just flashing images and embarrassing stupidity.

This one has always struck me as just being pretty badass. Also, Eric Rutan has a very big mouth. But even this one ends up being kinda stupid.

In Flames historically have had shitty videos but I thought this one was done well. The best way to go is to have the band playing the song in a cool setting.

Also, the video for White Wizzard - High Speed GTO is actually good because it's just really fun campy nostalgia.
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