The best thing about living in Finland!

cenzu said:
well... because in general we finnish people aren't very bright... :) least when it comes to things like this...
seems they always want to try a simmilar act, as the winner from the year before... :)

might be basically because maybe less younger people vote in such things, in general. At least I never do and I wouldn´t know anyone who would waste their money for these calls. But for Lordi, they made a huge campaign amongst their fans and metal-folks in general, seems that has helped.

NP: HIM - Dark Light
Occam's Razor said:
Has anybody of you already realized that the Swedes from Scar Symmetry are heavily ripping off Mr. Swanö and doing damn good with as far as reviews and publicity are concerned? - The power of Nuclear Blast.

Yeah! the new album is amazing!
and the clean vocals of the singer actually reminds me of Dan... but I don't like the singers growls...
but hey, the songs dominate!

fireangel said:
might be basically because maybe less younger people vote in such things, in general. At least I never do and I wouldn´t know anyone who would waste their money for these calls. But for Lordi, they made a huge campaign amongst their fans and metal-folks in general, seems that has helped.

My sisters 6yo son made my sister vote for Lordi :)
Naglfar said:
I've done my best to spread the Swano goodness, although I find American metalheads to be a bit less friendly and less apt to be buddy buddy with you if you don't listen to similar bands. I remember in college I was not too into Opeth, and when I started telling people my favorite bands and musicians were mostly Norwegian (Enslaved, Mr. Swano, Mr. Vintersorg. Edit: Mr. Cenzu says Swano is Swedish but I'm taking a revisionist stand on this and will claim Swano in the name of the King of Norway) I was treated like I was from the Ice Age or something.

Of course, I like Opeth fine, more so now than I did then. Point is, Americans are very particular about their music, very loyal to whatever they listen to, even if it's not very good. Music patriotism sounds silly, but it's a very American thing. I make that generalization as someone who grew up in the USA, and of course there's the positive side to that; you'll find those American metalheads with open minds are simply the best music fans you'll find in the world.

I've found that lots of people, be it Americans, Canadians, Europeans, Asians, etc., a vast majority of people, even, rarely are concerned with anything other people like. Most "music fans" (people who say they love music but don't really; they just like image) seem to be very superficial and are very loyal to their bands and never want to explore anything new or listen about someone else's tastes. I think most people are like that, really. I'm the type who's always wanting to find new bands, always exploring new things, and I think that's quite the rarity. People usually stay in their little music cliques, their group of lame friends, and they just listen to what they all like and refuse to say they like things they actually do like but won't admit because their friends don't listen to them.
I think in places where bands sell themselves as sort of social and cultural events in themselves (think about the cult of the band in the US / England), people are more likely to want to stick to a band they feel reflects their way of having a good time, on top of their musical preferences.

I just think it's particularly salient in the USA because we have so much invested in hyping up bands and creating music culture itself around them. You could probably make it a Europe / USA critique of the cult of the band, but it seems to me in the US things like Mtv are so omnipresent that it's more difficult to have discussions about music, because people appropriate the language of the dominant way of talking about music. Liking a band becomes a matter of allegiance, so even if you meet people with ecclectic musical tastes, they aren't open to talking about their music with you.

I know people everywhere particular about their music; I grew up in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and everyone listened to rap, salsa, or some sort of generic Ricky Martin type pop. They basically aren't open to anything else for the most part.
I've lived in various cities in California, New Hampshire, in Chicago, and been to 49 states, most of western Europe, North and central America. I'll say this: from my experiences, this phenomenon is true everywhere, but most pronounced in urban and suburban USA. It's pretty lame in my opinion, because there's a lot of great music out there that just gets overlooked by most people...... like Swanö!!!
Kenneth R. said:
I've lived in various cities in California, New Hampshire, in Chicago, and been to 49 states, most of western Europe, North and central America. I'll say this: from my experiences, this phenomenon is true everywhere, but most pronounced in urban and suburban USA. It's pretty lame in my opinion, because there's a lot of great music out there that just gets overlooked by most people...... like Swanö!!!

Sad but true(no Metallica pun intended)...In Israel most metal people know Dan only from EoS and Bloodbath and in the best case also for producing the early Opeth albums and think that Dan is inactive since Crimson 2. so much Swanö stuff is overlooked like Nightingale, Pan.Thy.Monium, Diabolical Masquerade, Moontower, Ribspreader.
Which by the way makes it so hard to find Swanö cd's in Israel.

You can find them in Puerto Rico! One of the best metal sections in the world lies in the trendiest mall, in one of the trendiest stores, on the island. They've been making money for years being sort of the metal IV for the island's small metalhead population, and it's run by this long-time metalhead, band promoter, and now small producer. He uses the section to sell his stuff.
I made a compilation of what I think is the best Nightingalesongs for my friend some months back in time. When we were watching the UEFA Champions League semifinal together yesterday, the converstation turned to this compilation and his thoughts about it. I guess he liked what he heard, cuz he told me that some weeks ago he ordered the entire backcatalog of Nightingale!

Hard rockin`amigo :headbang:
Metal Heads in Southern California havnt the slightest clue who Dan is, Thats why im here.. To teach em.