The best visualiser you've ever seen

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
I hope >.>

Been making this for the past couple of months or so, for uni. It's basically really really good beat detection (at least in comparison to everything else I've tried or seen), coupled with some cool graphics. Still a long way to go, but it works pretty fucking well IMO. I used Chimaira's "Resurrection", which is a pretty complex song drum-wise. It's not AT ALL perfect, but even when it goes wrong it kinda looks cool. It works really well on the slow parts of the song, and as you'd expect any rock or pop song you feed into it is fairly flawless. "Self vs Self" by In Flames/Pendulum is pretty fucking awesomely matched. I tried it with Gorguts but, I'm afraid Gareth, it's not worthy. It's all real-time, so you can choose any song you want and just go.

It detects based on the amount of 200hz energy for the snare, and 50-100hz (I'm not sure tbh, it's not measured in 'hz' so much) for the kick. Whenever a spike is detected that could be a transient, it's compared to the last 10 samples, to the last 30 samples and the last 100 samples (in case there's a soft part in the song), and if it matches all 3 of those then it registers as a beat. For this reason it has a bit of a delay at the start. You also can't see at the start of this because kick hits are black ;p
for the mac ppl:

Hopefully you can just extract and double-click on the .exe. Otherwise I'm not sure how to share this.

There's still a lot of work to be done graphically. It needs colours for one, and I will hopefully do something with the overall 'ambience/noise' of the track, ie. the guitars/vocals. Perhaps something when it detects a 'drum fill' by detecting lots of hits in a row, but atm it looks pretty cool with lots of paint splatters and squares anyway.

edit: woah the paint splatters get really big as time goes on. Whoops.