If you've seen "The Road", come in here


Santa Hat Forever
A bit of a spoiler if you haven't seen it.

So this movie marked me for life, and I must stress a specific scene that really tore my heart to pieces. Seriously, I have never in my life felt so much pity and pure emotion for a REAL LIFE character, than what I felt for the poor black dude near the end of the movie.

Seriously, the wierd looking drool coming out of his face when he's obliged to take all his clothes off, his weeping pledges saying "please man, you would've done the same thing" and "I didn't touch the kid, I'm hungry man" and his crying face when left naked with his hands over his genitals almost falling on his knees.... man, that was just plain terrible. I was overwhelmed, wanted to walk out of the theater or something, almost couldn't stand it.

It might sound pretty gay, but I have never been so affected by a movie in my life. That was heavy.

Am I the only gay person who was so affected by that?
i saw the road a few days ago and i still can't get it out of my head.
watching it felt like i stopped breathing for 2 hours.
Good to know I'm not the only gay who was so affected hahaha tell me the black dude wasn't the heaviest part of it all?


the black dude scene messed me up, same as
the scene where the boys face changed when he realized his
fahter is gone, then when he took his dad's boniculars and covered the fathers face with the old dirty blanket :cry:
Read the book. I haven't seen the movie yet, but the book is one of my absolute favorites. It's so bleak and full of emotion.
People Eat a Baby in the book........they could have made it way more fucked up.....they held back a little i think

Viggo is just Outstanding though.....I really enjoy him, amazing actor

This and those last 2 Cronenberg films, he has been flawless
I read the book, but have yet to see the movie. I read all these posts as well, but since I already read the book nothing was really spoiled for me. The book was pretty heavy and had a cool feel to it, but I remember reaching the ending and I was just kinda like, "Hrm...... Okay."

Not very many climactic points for me. Not that it wasn't good, I guess I just expected more ups and downs, rather than pretty much a long constant mood. I think if I were a father it probably would have had a much greater impact on me. Maybe I should have put myself more in the perspective of the boy while I was reading. I didn't really get attached to either character.

Still want to see the movie though. It would probably help to see facial expressions and stuff.
I was actually a bit underwhelmed with the movie to be honest.

Guess Ive seen enough fucked up movies that it didnt get me back there again like Park's vengeance trilogy
I read the book, but have yet to see the movie. I read all these posts as well, but since I already read the book nothing was really spoiled for me. The book was pretty heavy and had a cool feel to it, but I remember reaching the ending and I was just kinda like, "Hrm...... Okay."

Not very many climactic points for me. Not that it wasn't good, I guess I just expected more ups and downs, rather than pretty much a long constant mood. I think if I were a father it probably would have had a much greater impact on me. Maybe I should have put myself more in the perspective of the boy while I was reading. I didn't really get attached to either character.

Still want to see the movie though. It would probably help to see facial expressions and stuff.

But what kind of climactic points could there possibly be in a dead world?
thats kinda the point of The Road, there are no ups or downs,
no hollywood dramatics, just the long and bitter end of humanity.
I guess I was looking for more developments from the those they were always hiding from. There was plenty that could have been done with the story to make it more exciting. That basement part and the part immediately following it was a good start, but then that was it. I'm not saying it was bad, just kinda meh.

But then this is coming from someone who thought No Country For Old Men was way over-reated and rather dull.
Please, all of you, watch Park's vengeance trilogy:

Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Oldboy, and Lady Vengeance... amazing shit.