What's the worst live show you've ever seen?


From the vastly deep
Jun 17, 2002
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I know we're all hard core concert goers on this board..so I'm sure everyone has seen a bad one...or two...

For me, the absolute worst was Danzig! I saw him on Ozzfest (before it became the teeney bopper fest) with Biohazard and Sepultura (I'm sure I'm forgetting someone). Anyway his voice was horrible and the band sounded like shit! I was bummed because I was looking forward to seeing him..and that just blew my whole image of him! (So Officer Nice..I can see why the attitude about Opeth..if a band sounds bad live I just can't think of them the same...luckily I have a couple of live bootlegs of them and they sound really good..so I'm telling myself the nights you saw them were off nights for them..)

Just thought this would be an interesting thread..
Originally posted by MindInsane
I know we're all hard core concert goers on this board..so I'm sure everyone has seen a bad one...or two...

For me, the absolute worst was Danzig! I saw him on Ozzfest (before it became the teeney bopper fest) with Biohazard and Sepultura (I'm sure I'm forgetting someone). Anyway his voice was horrible and the band sounded like shit! I was bummed because I was looking forward to seeing him..and that just blew my whole image of him! (So Officer Nice..I can see why the attitude about Opeth..if a band sounds bad live I just can't think of them the same...luckily I have a couple of live bootlegs of them and they sound really good..so I'm telling myself the nights you saw them were off nights for them..)

Just thought this would be an interesting thread..

Danzig's voice does sound like shit live, and I hate saying
that because I dig the first 4 Danzig records and thought
his Instrumental record was very creative and it takes balls
to release something like that. I saw Biohazard on the
Slayer Divine Intervention Tour with Machine Head back in 94
at Henry Kaiser in Oakland and I thought they sounded like shit live.
However, the very, very, very, very, very (how many is that?)
worst band I've seen live was this opening band for Kreator
back in 91 at the Stone. Kreator was touring for "Coma of
Souls" ....the band had only one disc (cause they suck) and
the band had the name "motor" in it but it's been so long
I can't remember the name. The entire crowd was booing them.
I was harsh on Opeth live
but I never did trash the studio albums. Never heard it or
them. Not an Opeth fan. But, hey, I'm a bay area bigot.
Thanks for not flaming me...when lots here did.

the very worst concert i have ever seen was (i have 2)
when motorhead opened for metallica (supposed to be armored saint) and lemmy was fucking hammerd and could bearly play or sing (it was the space of aid's the space of aid's)
and then my close second was was way way back in the seattle center when candlebox opened for forced entery and sanctuary
candlebox sucked ass (people were moshing to candlebox?????) forced entery and sanctuary fucking rocked but candlebox sucked ass (ohh did mention it was a free concert at the base of the space needle called pain in the grass)
Um, only shows I've seen were one with American Head Charge (who are ok), Rammstein (who I like), System of a Down (who I like) and Slipknot (who are ok), and I've seen a few of my brother's band's shows. Guess the worst would be some of the bands that opened for my brother's band.
One of the worst concerts was Heroes Del Silencio an espanish band that opened the Philips Monsters Of Rock in Brazil.....1996, I really didn't like them....

Then It was Motorhead....in 2000, the place was ok, but the sound.....like crap..........after a while it got a little bit Better...
Yeah Coal Chamber sucked. Saw them with Megadeth.

Danzig was another. Music wise OK. but the guy insults the fans before playing Mother. "I made this stupid song years ago and only now are you f@*ks noticing it." Shut the F@*k up and play the song. :angry:

Wasn't impressed with Motley Crue when they came last. Not to slam them, cause they were cool back in the day, but when 50 year old are singing "Too Young To Fall In Love", it becomes quite humourous. Of course they don't have the energy that use to have.

Today Is The Day was pretty goddamn awful a few nights ago at the Pound.

Fucking Steve Austin broke his guitar string halfway through one of the songs, and without a backup, had to make us all wait while he changed it.

Then he snapped another one in the next song, and made is wait AGAIN. Please goddamnit, ALWAYS have a backup! Fucking dumbass......
Slipknot sucks live mostly due to Corey Taylor, he can't spit out the words in his half assed yelp. Everyone else at least did their job, take it or leave it at that. Pantera has been eh depending on how drunk Phil is.

The absolute worst, hands down was Mindless Self Indulgence.
I've never been to a concert, but every Metallica bootleg I've watched made me despise them more and more... you'd think they're music would be easy to play live and get into to, but they totally sucked ass (definitely the worst live band I have ever heard/seen)!
I did see Metallica live around '93 or '94 I forget. They weren't that bad, in fact they were pretty good. The problem with watching live performances is that it is a totally different feeling than being live at the concert. With bootleg which always sounds terrible, and footage is useally pretty grain or blury; you can't get the true feeling of the concert, 'cause you ain't there. What makes a concert good is made up of a number of things; sound, stage presence, vocal, personal/intimate crowd involvement between band & crowd, the attitude and response of the crowd to the band. Most of these you can't get with a bootleg or even a well made tape.

[/end rant]
i had to sit through dark funeral to watch cannibal corpse. Those were the most god awful vocals ive ever heard. i take that back, they tie w/ diabolic for the worst live vocals. diabolic sucked major ass too