Good Movies Seen Lately


Sep 16, 2001
Toronto , Canada
Bowling for Columbine - Made Canadians seem passive and benign.
- We have more guns,but choose to shoot fish and fish tanks:.FUBAR!!

Catch Me If You Can - Was it just me our did this movie SMOKE.
A true story about a straight out thieve you was made out to be a hero.
Great movie,thought it was "The Catcher In The RYE"

The Warriors - Seen this movie more than any other,but bought it on DVD to show to a female friend of mine, A movie of human nature ....never drop your believes in the face of fear or intimidation
...fight till death.. or learn to act Ajax hahaha. If ya haven't seen it rent it - 1977

She actually loved that movie
Midnight Express - If anyone on this board has not seen this yet, Rent it!
True story...Scary World

Once Were Warriors - See above for description exept for the true story part.Very disturbing movie.

Just board to shit so I thought I will post a few movies to ckeck out
If ya don't like the weather ,dont shoot the weather man!!!

nice flicks, troy!

miller's crossing: one of the best gangster films i have ever seen! everyone should check it out!

the fisher king: almost made me cry. jeff bridges and robin williams are perfect.

a fish called wanda: hilarious!

blood simple: disturbing

the big lebowski: also hilarious. says 'fuck' more than any movie i have ever seen! the ashes-in-the-coffe-can is fuckin' classic!

fear and loathing in las vegas: a direct, shortened version of the book. but somehow the book works much better. . .

there are more i just can't think of right now
I watched Bruce Almighty yesterday...not bad
I also watched Hellraiser 1-4
gonna watch THE TUXEDO today
Miller's Crossing
Bhe big Lebowski
(the rest of the list I've seen and enjoyed a few times)

Thanks Black Winter Day for the movies to rent this weekend bud .I have checked a few of the ones on your previous lists and they all turn out to be Fargin' great eg.Requiem (sic)
Another classic is "Staight Of Grace" If Gary Oldman is in a's usually good

Thanks BWD
no problem dude! i think you will really dig those flicks, esp. the big lebowski. all us guys would love to be like "the dude", :lol:

i'll definately make it a point to check that one out. oldman is indeed great. his portrayal of Lee Harvey Oswald in JFK could not be better. thanks for the rec!

have fun in your viewings!
saw "Easy Rider" -fucking GREAT!
An opus of the road with superbe meaning ..."they not afraid of you, they are afraid of your freedom" ..
also "Amelie" really good that one too,a simple story that makes you have a smile in your face for lots of time after the end.
A really great thought provoking movie that ripped my heart out was "Boys don't cry"

But if you just want entertainment, the opening scene to Ghost Ship is one of the coolest I have seen in a long time.
The rest of the movie is cheesy horror but still entertaining.
I haven't been to a theatre since September.

But the last movie I watched was "Jacob's Ladder". Great movie.