28 Days Later...

napalm, im sorry,
was that your dad who directed the movie ? :lol:

i just said that maybe im the only freak here who didnt like it :D
i totally admit that im the only ONE who didnt like 28 days later.

i must be mad.

must be


just saw it
the movie is excellent.
First of all , it is not "another zombie movie blah blah" the movie's main thing is the characters and the aftermath of a "dead country"
There are many things that need to be noticed:
We make the animals have the virus - destruction to us , we try to free them - destruction to us again
The protagonist's walk through the dead London is a poem
Also the downfall of every material thing and need ( nothing has value, the father just leaves his credit card on the counter)
The fact that man turns against man despite the fact that they are near their extinction, and the protagonist's "transformation" into a kind of creature like the zombies( i am talking about his behavior ) AFTER the "healthy soldiers" treated him in a non human way.
p.s. other great things in the movie : the change from "grey colour" to full colour scenes (city buildings - valley with flowers) , the protagonist's dream, and the game : Hell - Hell O
nah, it sucks

Stealer of Dreams said:
I've never seen the tv series of The Stand; I was talking about the book. Read it. It owns.

fuck that. I don't really like stephen king that much - the only books i like from him are the talisman, black house, and the dark tower series - there's probably 1 or 2 more but still

the stand blows ass.
so did it - it was retarded - i want three whole days of my life back - im going to murder stephen king.
Stealer of Dreams said:
Stephen King is a great writer. The Stand is definitely his best. But ugh, some of his books are absolutely terrible.... Christine.

Stephen King is a terribly juvenile writer, his style is so devoid of talent it's astounding...

i believe the only thing that has gotten him as far as he has gotten is his ability to draw critical acclaim by crafting stories centered around completely inane ideas.
Karmic said:
1) Didnt they need clean/fresh blood? Or something?

4) Silly you, most scenes in American movies are shot in Canada.
We are Hollywood North
My singer works in the biz (builds sets) flies out to Nico's side of Canada
works 3 weeks,$65 per diem,comes home with $11,000 +
and brags about the "ladies"

Oh yeah, that movie sucked
more than Michael Jackson as a kindergarden teacher
yeah the ending was somewhat disapointing, although, im happy it wasnt a typical Hollywood ending, you know?
(like the good alien rises up and becomes a good friend to humanity, or something stupid like only hollywood can do..)

but anyways- DreamCathcher has its moments! its great!
and with some funny lines as well :D
Cant wait for the movie "The Great And Secret Show" That book in my prick o-apinion is the best novel ever in the genre of ....Clive Barker

S. King bows to Barker (not the drunk guy from Dimmu Burger King)
Read the book,or write one