the most grim movie ive ever seen

deathstrike from hell

Deathstrike lambtron
Aug 12, 2002
as a fan of horror b movies, i have around 300 dvd's. the other day i watched a movie so volatile, i wont even mention what went on in the movie. look it up if you wish, but im warning you, this movie is so gross that some people will be scarred for life. it makes dead alive look like something dr phil would do.

this movie is called pink flamingos and stars this transexual named divine. but im warning you. its the most disturbing movie ever.
The grimmest movie I have ever had to watch would without a doubt be "Glitter" with Mariah Carey. I lasted about 20 minutes. I ran from the theater, weeping like a woman. It took me about two weeks before I would leave my apartment. Im still in therapy.
Worthless said:
The grimmest movie I have ever had to watch would without a doubt be "Glitter" with Mariah Carey. I lasted about 20 minutes. I ran from the theater, weeping like a woman. It took me about two weeks before I would leave my apartment. Im still in therapy.

Hahaha, still in therapy, kind of like Mariah Carey, except for the fact that this scenario would make you the victim of a psychotic attack, and would make her the Criminally Insane. Rock on, the bitch needs to be locked up some more anyhow...

wait, you actually paid money to see that piece of shit? Oh you deserve everything you get...

Grimmest movie ever...mine would have to be Event Horizon, that movie was the shit..."Where we're going, you don't need eyes to see
*proceeds to rip his own eyes out*"

Hell yes
Pink Flamingos sucked. T3 wasmore horrific than that.

"Ichi The Killer" is quite amusing. Lots of torture though. And thats an understatement.
Lol yeah, Kill Bill was cool, double thumbs up on that shit lol.

Oh, and about that "Glitter" garbage, it's valid. Pussy radar was on. I took a girl to the movies and she suggested we watch that one. I didnt know what it was so I said what the hell. Needless to say, the bitch wasnt worth that much effort. To this day I dont know whether she walked home or got a ride, because I left her ass standing at the curb.
Maybe so, but it is one of my favourite movies ever. I don't know why. It was really well done and was wicked the way it incorporated good(not old school cheesy style) horror with suspense. I really liked it. This movie is only preceeded by Fight Club and American History X on my list of movie goodness.
Event Horizon fucking ruled

Grimmest movie I ever saw was Man Bites Dog...done sort of like a's good if you're into black comedy and brutal death scenes

Awesome movie