The Birthday Thread~

Hey Jock 10/17 is my son's B-Day and remember I'm the old fart here.

Rieth and Cy - you guys slay me. Yeah I was pre-yankees. Hell I was pre Cincy Reds.

And Maiden you will never get old just hotter. :D
DarbysDad said:
Hey Jock 10/17 is my son's B-Day and remember I'm the old fart here.

Rieth and Cy - you guys slay me. Yeah I was pre-yankees. Hell I was pre Cincy Reds.

And Maiden you will never get old just hotter. :D
Was Cincinnati even a city back then? Wasn't it just grasslands?:loco:
CyThrax said:
You're obviously much hotter than DD, though! That, and you're probably only 29 years old, forever.
Let's just say Maiden is one Hot Mama :Shedevil: !!! but I could swear she's still 19!!! :hotjump: :hotjump:
Profånity said:
and why do you need to wish everyone an individual happy birthday thread if there's this thread for wishing happy birthday's in?
Read my first post on this thread. That will answer this question. And as far as being the only one who cares about birthdays, NO. Others do post birthday threads for the friends they have made here (unless I beat them to it :heh: ), I am just trying to make a point to get everyone. If you've had a shitty day, or go to work and no one there remembers, it's nice to be remembered someplace. :D