The Black Dahlia guitar sound


Nov 27, 2005
And by that I man Nocturnal of course. In an interview posted here a while ago I read that Suecof used the following technique:

“We only used the 6505 here ‘cause there were
only two tracks of guitar. So what we did is re-amp
the two tracks and then split it down to four
channels on the console. We split two channels
from Pro Tools using an EQ along with a high- and
low-pass filter. They took a boost in the 7-9k range
perfectly. You can really hear the power of just two
tracks of that amp, and you can hear the sound
of the pick hitting the string. They’re definitely the
best tones that Mark and I have gotten thus far. It
was totally worth remixing the album.”

Splitting the channels? So he split two channels to four channels and used drastic EQ? So whaat is he doing exactly? I can't quite get the hang of what's he saying...

Oh yeah, propably the greatest tones ever :headbang:
From Jason in a message he sent me via Myspace....

actually its my engineers origional 5150 i think, if not then it was my 5150 2- we used tube screamer or a maxon but it think it was the screamer- it all really depends on your pickups and guitar playing picking hand too

if you are a lighter picker you should probably use emgs in my opinion- i like un-active pickups cuz you can really hear the strike of the string- emgs are a bit more compressed- just make sure not to boost the bass all the way up- you gotta play with the presence and treble depending-

the i used my console and eq'd it on 2 channels and then mark threw a portico on 2 sidechain channels to give it more bite- yeah its a process

if you get the new peavey monitor magazine theres an article on general settings mark and i use on peaveys

you can download it on

take care man


Not sure if it helps but thought I'd post anyways.
Actually the quote from my first post was from that Peavey article :) I was wondering if someone could tell more specifically what he did. There's a small language barrier here. Or maybe I'm not clever enough :D

Btw, I tried to apply the Peavey settings shown in that article on my Krankenstein and got a real killer sound! :headbang:
To me it sounds like he used his console to send the signal out from Guitar 1 and Guitar 2 possibly from an Aux Send or Tape Out, into a Rupert Neve Portico 2 Channel EQ or Preamp which was captured back on 2 new tracks giving a total of 4 tracks of guitar.
That would just be the same as duplicating the track and just doing crazy eq in your daw right?

Or am i missing something as well...
Yeah, seems to me that it would be the same as routing it to an Aux Bus within the DAW to the input of new tracks and EQing it.

But I guess it must have made some big difference to them to run it back through an outboard unit.

I would probably have just reamped again using whatever other outside gear.