The Black Dahlia Murder – Miasma


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
The Black Dahlia Murder – Miasma
Metal Bade Records – July 2005
By Russell Garwood


Miasma is The Black Dahlia Murder’s sophomore – and aptly titled - album. Debut Unhallowed proved to be an unremitting experience, and this release is certainly not new age, easy-listening stuff. The band play Gothenburg influenced American death metal, with occasional nods to hardcore and thrash. Melodic riffs, tight (but sometimes uninspired) solos, solid rhythm work and heavier death moments all prove that guitarists – Brian Aschbach and John Kempainen – are competent musicians. Under this the drums (Zach Gibson) are precise, creating irrepressible momentum with continuous blasts, impressive bass rolls and intricate fills. The vocals of Trevor Strand vary between low death growls and a higher register rasp, occasional shouts and shrieks also cropping up in the varied performance. This is finished off by the equally competent bass, which is slightly lost in the mix.

The Black Dahlia Murder are all clearly competent musicians, and this is an enjoyable release. Yet at times Miasma can feel very samey and pedestrian; there is little change in pace, most of the melodies are ultimately forgettable, and the songs all follow a formula. If you are a fan of the band’s modern school of American metal, then this is worth checking out as one of the better releases in a saturated field. If you are not a fan however, this album’s noxious atmosphere (see what I did there? I feel so clever now!) is likely to leave you nonplussed.


Official Metal Bade Records website
Official The Black Dahlia Murder website