"The Black Waltz" Song Survivor - Round 2

Vote for your LEAST FAVORITE track!

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with terminal intensity has an odd intro that i dont really like but after a minute the melody is great, i really like that song. i'm voting for mindrust.
PEOPLE PEOPLE CMON NOW... Mindrust is pure genius. Do me a favor, and listen to it one more time. The riff at 18 sec is awesome, but at 27 seconds when the keyboard harmonizes with itself, my eyes cross with joy. :OMG:
Same here... Next round is going to be tough for me...

IMO, TBW In Ascending Order...

Man of the King
With Terminal Intensity
*** I love every song from here on out *** but...
One From the Stands
Time takes us all *Love the intro*
To The Gallows *starting to like this song more and more*
Bitter Metallic Side
The Black Waltz
The Groan of Wind *The first minute of this song should win an award*
Mindrust *Amazing song, i think it's Kalmah at their finest*

Hmm I've listened to every song on the CD at least 40 times (literally) so I know the song through and through. With this type of music it is really all preference. On the Skyfire forums we are doing a Mind Revolution poll and my favorite track "Uncloud the Sky" was voted out 3rd round. It is my ALL TIME FAVORITE Skyfire song, and it lost by a wide margin early on. It's really preference, and Mindrust just doesnt do it for me.
Why With Terminal Intensity???
It's one of my favorite songs of Black Waltz (actually they're all my favorites). :rock: :rock:
Everything about the song is good!!!!!! plus it's kinda catchy...

I'm not totally surprised it's losing but damn by a long shot.
Adleast u guys coulda evened the votes out between the songs. :mad:

This is tough but I never found the BW that special.