the brimstone needs your help!


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
My friend Mike and I will be touring the East Coast during the second week of July, and since hotel bills can get expensive, we're trying to find places to sleep. Any help will be greatly appreciated: (<-- very specific details)

Thr - Jul 6 2006
New Albany, IN (covered)

Fri - Jul 7 2006
Louisville, KY (covered)

Sat - Jul 8 2006
Cleveland, OH

Sun - Jul 9 2006
New York, NY (covered)

Mon - Jul 10 2006
off (covered)

Tue - Jul 11 2006
Philadelphia, PA (covered)

Wed - Jul 12 2006
Baltimore, MD

Thr - Jul 13 2006
Washington, DC

Fri - Jul 14 2006
Blacksburg, VA

Sat - Jul 15 2006
Louisville, KY (covered)
hey brimstone ... nice job on this book tour ... do you have a site that has more about the book?

will have to come out and see you on July 9th in NYC !!!
Yeah come out to the west coast and maybe I'll spot you a 5er or a half-empty beer or somesuch. :loco:
Ellestin said:
don't your editors provide these kind of expenses? :err:

Nah, I'm going the DIY route this time around. I'm footing the whole bill, but I get total creative control, so it balances out. Anyway, it'd be cool to see all you RCers at the NYC gig. Until I have enough time to get a website built, the tour MySpace page ( ) and my personal MySpace page ( ) - links also in my sig - function as my official websites. I'll post a thread when the book is ready to order, though I don't think it'll mesh exactly with most of the board's taste.

Cover art brilliantly designed by UM's/RC's own Decadent! If that don't entice you to buy, then nuttin' will! :lol: