The Cape (New NBC show in January)

Network TV just cant do the super hero thing right. As with most serialized TV....if it isnt a huge hit right out the door the network will cancel it. The best super hero TV show will always be "NO HEROICS" from the BBC.
Well this show went from looking great to an absolute disaster!

Seriously? This show was so rushed, and sloppy it was laughable.

I could write a list a mile long of what was wrong with this show.

It's delightfully cheesy, and full of comic book cliches. It's like Sin City, only not as well-written. In fact, to be honest, the writing is its main downfall. Well, that and the poor special effects (par for the course for network shows), but if you use your imagination, this isn't such a glaring problem. I had fun watching it, and I hope it sticks around a while.
Nah the show was a disaster haha. I mean they never search for his body? They would surely realize there was a latch and underground system underneath the truck? No forensic team there? He runs around the streets with only a hood on and nobody recognizes him haha I guess in this world everyone is a dumbfuck. He has this lair/hideout that has great electricity, and nobody else can find? He has unlimited money to buy all this sophisticated gadgets and technical stuff.......and wow he trains with real knives! Oh, and his son doesn't recognize his voice? Oh yea I forgot they are all dumbfucks in this city. He falls from a high rise building with no bumps or bruises.......the villain slowly poisons him...another villian decides to toss him off into a river but hes houdini all of a sudden, and he learns how to do all this great stuff in the span of a few days! AMAZING! He can take a dive from a building but he can't even go toe to toe with a fucking midget! LOL!

The show was rushed, had sloppy edited scenes, no character development, and stupid dialog.

I could go on, and on. This show was ridiculously flawed to the point I was laughing at it the majority of the time. I know its a superhero and fictional show...but c'mon already.....this was a hacked pile of shit!

They should have taken the 2 hours just to have him turn into "The Cape", and had real character development.

I can't wait to see the entire season on DVD in a walmart 5.00 bin at the end of the year!

Oh and it ripped off many scenes from Batman Begins, and The Dark Knight! Pathetic!
Well its not like I have no concept of comic books. I used to be a HUGE comic book fan, and one of the reasons this show appealed to me in the 1st place. I used to run the internets largest website for the Marvel character DEADPOOL long before he became trendy and showed up in Wolverine X-Men origins. (if you web archive you can see my old site)

I can suspend belief for just so long. Even if I suspended it, it doesnt change the horrible dialog, and choppy editing. It just jumped around from 1 thing to the next never giving any type of true feeling for any of the characters.

This show won't even last an entire season.......over at Super Hero Hype this is getting bashed to shit as well, and rightfully so.

Again I am a comic book movie fan....having seen every comic book movie made including the old and terrible original Captain America and Fantastic Four live action movies.
I agree there was some sloppy writing (The lack of a body, the poison, how "Orwell" could still remain a mystery, not actually having a mask until the second half), but I don't think any of it was a fatal flaw. That being said, none of it was particularly special either. We've seen a lot of this before. (Robocop and Darkman come to mind.)

But, for the most part is was par for the course for most pilots. Most pilots aren't the best the show has to offer and often it takes a season for a show to find their legs. Whether it survives a season is another question.
Yea I plan to give next weeks show another chance. If the story telling is like the pilot, it will be it for me. I want to see character development.

Oh BTW your shirt shipped today! \m/
Again I am a comic book movie fan....having seen every comic book movie made including the old and terrible original Captain America and Fantastic Four live action movies.

What - you weren't a fan of Salinger's costume with the fake ears??... LOL


Yeah that flick was pretty lame............:grin:

Somehow I found it more watchable than that 90s Fantastic Four movie though
holy CRAP was that horrible
Oh BTW your shirt shipped today! m/

Shirt? :err:

What - you weren't a fan of Salinger's costume with the fake ears??... LOL

Somehow I found it more watchable than that 90s Fantastic Four movie
holy CRAP was that horrible

I've managed to not see either. My understanding about Corman's FF movie was that its existance was only to retain the rights to the property. It was never intended to be watched by anyone. Course, the actual film they decided to make wasn't really all that much better....
I've managed to not see either. My understanding about Corman's FF movie was that its existance was only to retain the rights to the property. It was never intended to be watched by anyone. Course, the actual film they decided to make wasn't really all that much better....

Yeah that's exactly why Corman made it

I seem to remember the Thing costume at least being pretty decent for the time and the budget they had

But the acting............:cry:

Yeah the Tim Story movies..... they got some of it right but there was just something off about them... well a lot but..........

But don't worry - Marvel is already looking to reboot them
People said the same thing about Xena, back in the day.. and look how long that stuck around! I need to watch this show. As a lover of all things cheezy, it looks like it was made for nerds like me.
Yeah the Tim Story movies..... they got some of it right but there was just something off about them... well a lot but..........

I think it starts with casting Jessica Alba as Sue Storm. She is SO not the right person for that role. In many ways, Sue is the mother figure for that team, and that is not what I think of when I see Alba. :p

But don't worry - Marvel is already looking to reboot them

I am not looking forward to another Spider-Man origin story...
I think it starts with casting Jessica Alba as Sue Storm. She is SO not the right person for that role. In many ways, Sue is the mother figure for that team, and that is not what I think of when I see Alba. :p

You know, I think the movie would have improved about 40% if they just had a good Sue Storm. Jessica Alba as Sue made no sense. None.

But then again, neither did their origin of Dr. Doom.