The Chilean Scene - Pentagram


Oct 10, 2001
Santiago de Chile
Come on all you Chileans members of the UltimateMetal Community, let's talk about our scene past and present.
Here to evertbody I'mgoing to write about some bands from the past

Pentagram : They were some of the pioneers of the Chilean Death Metal Scene , even when they sound a little Thrash sometimes, they only recorded 2 demos (one which was released as a 7'' inch single by a swiss label), but they left a mark on the world scene of the 80's metal.
You can found their demos , some rehearsal and some live performances on one Cd just called Pentagram , it's for sale in almost every mail order around the world. You can download some Mp3 from Rockaxis , they also made a reunion concert that was recorded too, but you have to get the Demos first to understand that live album

You can also found some covers made for great bands all over the world
Avulsed - Carnivoricity (they made Demoniac Possession live as a bonus from this CD)
Pentacle - ...Rides the Moonstorm (they made Spell of the Pentagram on this album)
Napalm Death - Leaders not Followers (they made Demoniac Possession on this cover EP)

Later I will put some other chilean classic for you to know Chilena or not

PD: Spanish is welcome on this thread
Bueno bienvenida (supongo por lo de daughter) y te recomiendo que escuches a Pentagram quizas (si nos los conoces) te suenen un poco arcaicos pero esa es una de sus mayores gracias que pese a su arcaico sonido crearon canciones que hoy en dia son clasicos del metal pese a su pauperrima produccion en esos tiempos

Pentagram es buenisimo, yo l escucho hace caleta de tiempo.

Que buena que se haga notar la presencia de los chilenos aca...

Escuchen algo de Alta Densidad a los que les gusta el heavy, tienen buen sonido.

Adios y.....