The Corporation

Keyser Soze

Anti-Social Socialist
May 28, 2002
at work....
I saw this truly frightening documentary last night...

Michael Moore, Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky take part in this look at how corporations own what we see, hear, taste (they owned the water in some town in Bolivia... people were not allowed to collect rainwater... because they owned that too), and our very genes...
There's a very interesting concept displayed in the film... I knew that a corporation is a legal person, and holds all the same rights and legal liabilities... but I had never applied a personality to a corporation. In the film, the filmmakers bring in an expert on Psychopaths from the FBI and a personality test which determined that if the Corporation was a real, flesh and blood person... then it would be a Psychopath.
A very intriguing look at an entity which, in this day and age, seems to have more power than gov't, is above ethics, and has one concern, profit
Keyser Soze said:
In the film, the filmmakers bring in an expert on Psychopaths from the FBI and a personality test which determined that if the Corporation was a real, flesh and blood person... then it would be a Psychopath.
A very intriguing look at an entity which, in this day and age, seems to have more power than gov't, is above ethics, and has one concern, profit
Well, that explains why I've never been successful in a corporate setting!! I'm just not psychpathic enough!!!o_O (j/k)
In all seriousness, this sound like a fascinating film, as well as a wake up call to the erosion of our rights as human beings on this planet. Thanks, Keyser!
Keyser Soze said:
A very intriguing look at an entity which, in this day and age, seems to have more power than gov't, is above ethics, and has one concern, profit

Sounds like the Church's role back during the Dark Ages. :ill:

For more of this kind of information dealing exclusively with the mass media, read Ben H. Bagdikian's The New Media Monopoly. In his book - the revision of his original book, the Media Monopoly, which was first written and published 20 years ago - he exposes the workings of the "Big 5" mass media companies (including: Viacom; Bertelsmann; AOL/Time Warner; Murdoch News Corporation), how they control the majority of the news shows and reporting that you get; the television shows you watch; the magazines and newspapers you read; the radio and music you listen to; and the movies you watch (and how they control which movies go into the theaters that they own) and more in a cartel-like fashion. Visualize OPEC's (Oil and Petroleum Exporting Countries) methods of having their own individual squabbles with each other, but coming together in order to maintain their stranglehold on the majority supply of the world's oil. This is essentially how these businesses tend to operate with your media that can help shape views and elections, helping to cause a stifling of independent ideas and free thought.

Forget any thought about there being a "liberal media," like you'll keep hearing Rush Limbaugh pontificating about. They're only called "liberal" simply because they're not as conservative as he is, nor are they a direct and wholly-owned subsidiary of the Republican Party. :D